Aboriginal Post Secondary Education: Different Perspectives
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First Session, 38th Parliament – 2005
INDEX (Subject and business entries)
Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)

Institute of Indigenous Government, Burnaby, B.C.

    • Facilities (Coell) 1452 (Robertson) 1452

    Province of British Columbia
    Second Session, 38th Parliament – 2006
    Debates of the Legislative Assembly (Hansard)

    IIG All Nations Institute, Burnaby, B.C.

      • Campus location (Robertson) 4007
      • Capital improvements (Coell) 4743
      • Funding (Coell) 4007 (Robertson) 3978-9, 4007, 4743
      • Mandate and operations (Coell) 4006-7 (Robertson) 4006-7
      • University programs for first nations students (Lee) 2822
      • Work of facility (Mayencourt) 3151 (Nuraney) 3149

      Search terms for 38th Parliament:

      Aboriginal Education

      All Nations Institute

      Human Rights

      Institute of Indigenous Education

      B.C. Ministry of Advanced Education

      New Relationship Trust Act

      Sean Kocsis

      Sean Kocsis President IIG-All Nations Institute

      John Nuraney Lib MLA-Chair Select Standing Committee on Education

      Gregor Robertson NDP MLA – Advanced education critic

      Murray Coell Lib MLA-Minister of Advanced Education Province of British Columbia
