i think you are very right. Actual not in oversee, even in China, you can hardly find a good renter. We rent our appartment in China since we moved out. Last week i occasionally visited my old home, it is so dirty, if no one there i would have thrown all things away. My renter is actual a very nice guy, but certainly not that good at cleaning...
Breda 发表评论于
The tile is not appropriate. Canadian Chinese doesn’t represent Chinese in North America. These are two very different groups of people.
回复jwayne_1的评论:No more nonsense, just leave me alone where you could see me, please!!!
jwayne_1 发表评论于
回复sun_flower的评论: let me tell you two things and i will ignore you from now on (you do not worth my time):
1. i dislike priests.
2. i don't have any alias. i hate registering for anything. it took me a long time to finally registered once.
sun_flower 发表评论于
回复jwayne_1的评论:Don't change an alias then fight with me another place, I definaltely know who you are. You think you an American or ABC, the truth is that you are not, you are neither one of them. You are just a loser who lost your own identity then trying to pretend a high educated priest. It sucks!
jwayne_1 发表评论于
回复sun_flower的评论: you must be one of the 素质差华人. don't be angry, just try to learn and you will improve if you try.
jwayne_1 发表评论于
you have to understand that those people did not receive proper education from their parents and families. that may not be their own fault because when they grew up, those things were the least important if you couldn't even be fed well. we should not just criticize and discriminate against them, we should try to help them. tell them directly what they did was not right and show them the right way. sometimes they would listen and the world gets better.
From what you are saying, black people are not human being? Do you imply that they are inferior to Chinese? I smell discrimination here.
So if you look at the issue from a Chinese perspective, there is no point to say "others do it too, so it is not too bad for CHinese to do this" Just as the author wrote in the article: (Chinese immigrants living in a new environment should) "正视自己的问题,批判自己的陋习,改正自己的毛病,伸出手帮助身边的人也一起改变。"
BECAUSE .... "如果一个华人的某些做法令人反感,在美国人或加拿大人眼中,他们不管这名华人来自中国大陆、台湾还是香港,总之就是 Chinese。一荣俱荣,一损俱损。"
中国人的性格够谨慎小心的 - maybe too much sometime. It is a fact that a larger portion of the oversea Chinese population (in comparison to that portion of the white population) don't behave in public, or don't know how to behave. It is really dissaponinting to hear some doing comparison with the Black ethenici, without any context or premises.
I believed that you have pinpointed the key causing those occurrences. I like it. Quote: 由于受到长期的“积极”教育,我们许多人形成了僵化的思维,习惯于把自己看作一朵桃花,不仅不允许任何人说自己是豆腐渣,而且,只要谁指出自己脸上有个麻点,都要摆开架势与人决战。
Until then when it is realized it cannot be avoid. For the past poverty has been blamed for all these, but poverty is not an issue any more for a lot of our rich friends. And poverty doesn't exist in our country only, as well.
I bet that many of readers (including me) have done that before more or less, but they have changed. They were brave enough to face it, made the correct choice and did the right thing.
smith34 发表评论于
guess its no harm to try to behave. guess its also nice to have some cultural understanding: like old parents from china villages like to clear throat loudly, is the same as those whites blow nose noisely and loudly in front of everybody, at least i feel disgusting too.
Let's just remind our family and friends how to behave in public area without being embarrassed. Sometime we can turn off the running water at front of the person or pick up books in library silently. People learn very fast as soon as they realized it is improperly done.
Having been living in Toronto for 18 years, I totally agree and be able to relate my experience with this article. We all understand there are always some people from a community who behave less well, but there is no excuse for that when you are coming to a new country representing your own ethnic group.
To some people who deny this, I think you either never step out of your house or you are lying with eyes wide opened.
For other people who bring Caucasian into the discussion, I think you are agreeing to the article but just want to blame others to make yourself feeling better. This is the exact attitude of many Chinese which make these selfish acts happen over and over again; "since someone is not good neither, so mine is not too bad after all". So what will happen by following this is: "Why I have to change? Since others haven't changed yet, so I won't change until the day when everyone else change to the point I feel shameful about it".
Weisse, some people have odors but you can stay away from them if you don't like their smell; and this has nothing to do with a person's quality. However, for much of those terrible habits/acts, they affect others even if you are not close to them. Example, you abuse the rental unit and wasting electricity and water, well, don't even have to say that it is bad for the environment, it gives a bad reputation for Chinese people and it cost more for the next person to rent the place; it is that simple. Don't you realize that it takes many years to build up good reputations, but it only take one bad experience to turn the whole world against you?
I have seen or experienced almost everything that are mentioned in this article and much much more. To be honest, I am really disgusted by these shameless people and their acts; I can only tell that they are self-centered and disrespectful for people around them. For those who thinks this is a non-issue or still have something to say for those who do these shameful acts; they should rethink if they are really suitable to live in a country which has a different value system and standards. You immigrate to a new country, you should try to merge into the society but not to expect others to accept your own habits 100% and even worse, take it for granted.
To those who complaint about unable to get a job. Seriously, please polish your English skills, communication is a very important thing, much more important than your knowledge and skills. Unless you only have to work with machines, otherwise, if you can't communicate with your co-worker or be able to fit into the working environment/culture, how can they trust you? May be someone is not as skillful as you are, but a boss will rather send him to training than hiring someone who he cannot communicate with.
It is a good article. Civilizations take a long time, and great effort. Accepting criticism is still hard for some people. We Chinese still have a long way to go to catch up other developed nations. Wideawake
I guess you never visit Europe, expecially, Italy, France, Spain, etc.
After you visit these countries, you would not critisie Chinese in this way.
火少爷 is right: 中国人多,素质差的人群就会很明显.
And I think, in most of the cases you raised, the Chinese are 小市民 or from countryside. They don't have enough time or chances to adjust their behaviours. But I don't think they are bad. I ignore or remind them when I see their annoying habbits, and I still smile to them.
Thank you so much for the delicate observation and speaking up!
Habits like that are really becoming a societal issue to the point that disfigures the image of Chinese as a whole. You’re right that it’s probably much worse within the Chinese community, but there is no doubt that this has been brought into public notice outside the Chinese community, as well.