
I think, therefore I am. - René Descartes
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Thought about adding a Reading Note />/>column in my blog for a long time, yet I have been dragging my feet for all kind of “self-pity” excuses. Now here it is, at last.

One thing’s been on my mind, kind of boggling and intruding the peace of my mind once in a while, ever since I’ve started bloging last year: what should write about in blog? Browsing on Internet, I’m often flabbergasted by exposing myself to the immanse talent of other bloggers, either in Chinese or in English, demonstrated in the world of blog, articulate easies, lengthy novels, vivid memoirs, travel logs, artistic creations, photos – be it scenery or social documentary type......whatever you can think of, blog has it. Blog provides an immense yet convenient platform for individual’s voice. Whatever people think, feel, consider and care about can be stated in their blogs without fretting themselves with the reasons like intellectual justification, political correctness, censorship – either on editing or ideological level, etc.

To me, reading, among all the sources that can be penned down as blogging materials, probably is the most thought-provoking area that should be recorded in writing. As you read, you not only gain knowledge and edify your feeling, but also, you generate more thoughts, ideas, inspirations upon the benefit of other’s writings.

Over the years, I have written down little of my thoughts, feelings, in many cases they are not traceable, harvested from reading, even though I have consumed a considerable volume of readings in my leisure time, books, magazines, newspapers. What a loss!

By setting up this READING Note />/>column, hope it will serve a “reservoir” from now on to retain my thoughts garnered from my reading, some of them if not all, IF TIME PERMITS!

edrifter 发表评论于



至于博客,我想可以概括出许多的特点,但最本质的特点应该是自由表达。从这个意义上讲,如果把它当成一个 have to watch for 的 commitment,我觉得会变成一个负担。当然,这只是我个人的看法。


北鹤 发表评论于

鼓励读书笔记—不过因为要给他人看懂,那个commitment可不是自己随手涂鸦那么简单的事情了。。。I have to say that watch what you wish for. 我发现自己的读书生涯中得到的一个经验就是-星换斗移,而那些在我思绪中仍然闪光的正是那些我有感而发留下的读书笔记。至于其他的书籍,犹如百代过客,往日情人,有些也只略记得一些皮毛而已。。。
edrifter 发表评论于


很惭愧, 到现在还没有一篇像样的读书心得,更谈不上学识渊博。不过,能有几个情投意合的朋友,大家一起经常交流切磋,是最惬意不过的事情了。
edrifter 发表评论于

Thank you so much for the nice words, melly! We all learn from each other, thoughts, knowledge, feeling, sentiment, etc.

Actully I have to thank you, seriously: you're the one who brought up that discussion of Forrest Gump, and that's how & when I started my bloging. If not were you, I might be still drifting around without a "home." :))

edrifter 发表评论于



旁白 发表评论于
太好了! 你这地方一直就洋溢着书香味….只是觉得你的学识特别的渊博!


melly 发表评论于
I have been entertained and educated through your blog since I visited for the first time. Talking with you about the movie "forrest gump" is still vivid in my mind. I believe I will keep enjoying and learning here, no matter which language you use. Looking forward.
苏乡门地 发表评论于


想用英文来说“赞一个”,可又说不好,只好说go on, pls! :))