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既然斯通小姐称达赖喇嘛您是她的朋友,您一定经常给斯通小姐一些灵性上的 "建议" 吧,如果那不是 "不可见人" 的东西。斯通小姐现在称悲惨的四川地震是对中国人民的 "报应",很有违菩萨 "慈悲为怀" 的境界。我们很想知道达赖喇嘛您是怎样哲理性的解释,勤劳和真诚的中国人究竟作了什么 "恶",要接受这样的 "报应"?达赖喇嘛请告诉我们,您究竟是站在好莱坞 “谗言" 飞扬的影星一边,还是站在自豪,尊德的中国人民一边?


We need to know what the Dalai Lama thinks about Sharon Stone's preposterous claims!

Since the Dalai Lama is "a friend" of Sharon Stone, he must also give her "advice," or what I believe are conspiracies. Sharon Stone called the tragic Sichuan Earthquake Karma for the Chinese people, so much for the Buddhist's mercy and kindness. We want to hear the "philosophical explanations" from the Dalai Lama on what the hard-working, honest Chinese individuals did to deserve the tragedy. Is the Dalai Lama supporting Hollywood attention-seekers or the respectable and moral people of People's Republic of China?
