今天儿子兴冲冲地把礼物给了我。是一张自制的卡片,天蓝色的,上面用彩笔写着"Happy Mother's Day",下面是几颗闪烁的金星,金星围绕之中是一颗大大的彩虹心。"It's a rainbow heart, do you like it?" 儿子问。我亲了亲他的脸:"Of course, I love it."
Dear mom,
Thank you for helping me and always looking out for me. You help me with Chinese work. Also you buy me great clothes and toys. When Dad is not around you take me to great places to eat. Also you show me new things everyday. You always talk to me when I have a problem. I love talking to you, it always makes me happy. Happy mother's day! So can I drive your car? Just kidding! Just relax on mother's Day.