noso, you got it - 说色多俗啊,谈情才高尚. The thing is men and women in the situation genuinely feel that they are after 情, not色 or money. Everyone has a different view on what's attactive and sexy. To some women lying on beach sharing a pizza is romantic and and to others, diamond and wine are nice foreplay. The world is interesting because we are all different
是的,说钱多俗啊,谈情才高尚。"Things that brought by money such as freedom, power are sexy." well said indeed.
noso 发表评论于
Yes, I agree. Thanks.
noso 发表评论于
嗯,这话听着舒服。: )
扬子江酒店 发表评论于
Of course, when I have money - i tell everyone i am not after money. Believe me!
Bali 发表评论于
noso, 色 Or 情, it can be confusing, and may be the same thing. Likewise, women who marry rich men often say they are not after money. I believe them. Things that brought by money such as freedom, power are sexy.
Relationship between male and female is of course 色.If only 情, that can be friendship or parents and children. Don't be afraid of 色.Overall, people here is one word" " Shuan"