无欲则刚---Thanks! shake hand, from your comment, your writing is very good. For the pictures, I need to spend more time on it. till now, i even didnt read the camera manual, hope I can read it next year when I have time:).
闲人Filiz ----Thx!
无欲则刚!-----I use auto set, next time when I have time i will read and study the manual to do it better. Who are you? sound we know each other before? ( U know i am using D80)
无欲则刚! 发表评论于
闲人Filiz 发表评论于
我是干枯的胡杨^_^ 发表评论于
aLAgirl 发表评论于
You are so amazing. I like all your articles. Hou do you make it? You are a real man.