上个礼拜有个晚上我cover out patient call,intern G discharge的一个病人,有个inhalor没写清楚,人家药房不给开。病人就不太爽,打电话给我。我说我不清楚dr. G想给你什么药,我也不能随便开,你现在先把原来inhalor用着,明天一早我跟G说了,让他给你重新开。
过了半个小时,他气急败坏地来门诊重新把处方fax去了药房,但是嘴巴里还嘀嘀咕咕。我终于忍不住了,说了句excuse me, can you say that little bit louder? 他意思说,这么件小事情,我大动干戈,我说对你来说是小事情,对病人来说不是,首先你昨天dicharge病人的后就应该解释清楚你换了他的inhalor,新的inhalor叫什么名字,你为什么要换,怎么用。然后你自己的药方没写清楚,这是非常不专业的。最后你的态度非常恶劣,跟你的同事这样说话,完全是cross the line了。
无名居,我写的那个电影是Miss Pettigrew Lives For a Day,很独特的一部电影,不好意思我把那篇文章给删了,建议女生去看看。
wen09 发表评论于
无名居 发表评论于
I remember in one of your recent posts, you mentioned that you watched a nice love movie. I searched all over your blog, can't find it any more. Can you provide the movie name again, sounds like an idea love story that you were saying every lady would dream of. :) Thank you!
xux 发表评论于
ZT 做得好!我们支持你!"对你来说是小事情,对病人来说不是" That is so true!!! Hope he can learn something from this, or his future patients are going to pay. I thought the competitive system here should weed out people like him. For doctors, skills of course matter, but equally matter if not more is the heart.
Watch out for him in case he 报复你 though.
朱珠尔 发表评论于
小淘 发表评论于
觉得落花mm做的很好,有理有利有节。工作中,个人的personality and attitude是很重要的一个因素。