oh, my yoga may14,2007

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oh, my yoga

It has been for about half a year since I restared to practice yoga in my own tiny space, however, I keep on droping it due to my laziness.  I could find various excuses for not doing it: I am too sad, I am too happy, I am sick............, and forget how happy and calm I am when I could finally earn the inner peace. Thanks to yoga, I could manage to (even though I am still in the battle) pull myself a little bit way from the mud which almost bury me.  With regular practice, I am glad that I could master certain postures which were completely beyond my control, they are TREE POSTURE, EAGLE POSTURE AND DANCER (sorry, not sure it is the correct name).  Yoga helps me concentrate on my breath so that I could stand still and keep the balance well. The benefits are abvious, my waist line is improved and my daily postues become much better.
I am considering to add more variety fitness practices into my routine, I'd love to learn Ballet which I had a chance to touch almost five years ago...I would be thrilled if I could get an chance to learn salsa......I watched some ppl dancing salsa for a couple of times at the bay of the lake.Honestly my feet started to move whenever I heard the brisk and extoric music.
First of all, I shall turn the yoga into my daily life, then gradually invite the potential ones join.
I am looking forwad to the day when I am really happy and calm.


I drop into the depression once again. I know, I know all the theories....I know that I should avoid those topics which would drive me nuts, however I just could not help doing so.....in the end, my day gets ruined by one small gesture.
The life is in my own hands, so first of all, I have to stand up for myself to seek for the real happiness belonging to me.
So I shall be selfish a little bit.....that is, take care of my own feelings and moods.
I have to start now...so I decide to walk along the lake alone........

May 24

the color of memory

It really depends on how you perceive it....it will be lovely pink if you choose to open the box containing happy moment of memory, it will turn out blue even dark if you decide to embrace the sad ones.........when we could not change the past and the others, we have to change the way we look at it.
when life sucks, swallow it without complaining.....you will find out it is not that bad once you get over it.
when life seems sweet, please appreciate it and treat it gratefully.
life is just like sunlight, some one choose to embrace it, some choose to avoid it.....but in either way, you gotta face it!!!
