现在世界不缺能源,但缺便宜能源---老道 从中东抽油成本仅1-2美元一桶。在深海里挖那密度不高的甲烷到底成本多少现在还不知道。但有一点是确认的,就是生物燃料在油价升到$800-1000元时开始有竞争力,所以油价的顶是800-1000元,就是说还能涨8倍。当然不是几年内就涨那么多。 俺的回贴 I will remember this, and when this day comes, I will buy some thing for him, surely, it won't be below $2000.
horse625 发表评论于
thank for comping, Professor3, yes, oil will go to $200, and also I totally agree oil will go down, but how low can it go? 100? 80? 50? I personally don't think oil will even go below 100.
Also, sorry, I seldom go to Daqian now, and even when I go there, I just take a shor look. So, your recommendtation isn't heard, but I will take a look at it.
u r a good dreamer, oil price will be over $200 definitely, but will down with Bush's steping down. However, have u bought OIL(a symbol of a stock) as I recommended 2 months ago? If not, u don't believe what u said here, right?