西班牙烩饭 - Paella:
几年前, 去Napa valley wine country 上过一堂cooking 课,好玩的, 回来最爱做这道菜, 请客也常做, 得到好评, 也买了几个锅专门做它的, 当然我也会做一些变化, 今天是一个例子.
- 2 TB Olive oil
- 1 LB虾 - 去壳去肠, 用盐抓捏后, 洗净, 擦干, 撒上胡椒, 盐 和 一点chili powder
- 小鸡一只切大块用盐,胡椒, chili powder 腌入味,
- Louisiana hot and smoked sausage (最好是用 Chorizo sausage)
- 1 dozen mussels
- Onion, celery, bell pepper—chopped (我喜欢多放一点蔬菜)
- Garlic minced
- 14.5 oz canned diced tomato
- ½ tsp saffron threads, soak in warm water (这是它的关键香料)
- 2 cup long grain rice, I used basmati rice here
- Chicken broth 1 罐 (有时用clam juice)
- 1 cup dry sherry wine
- Salt and black pepper to taste
- frozen peas and carrot (only needs peas, but this is what I have)
Lemon wedges and minced parsley for garnish (I used fennel from my garden)

我用了一个6-quart braise pan (任何扁一点的, 平底的, 大口锅都行) , 烧热锅, 里面放橄榄油, 把鸡块放入, 两面煎成金黄,取出, 再放入腊肠,也炒成金黄取出, 同样把虾也两面煎过取出.
同一锅里加入洋葱, 芹菜, 甜黄椒, 大蒜, 炒软, 加米, 炒香,

加酒, 把锅底刮一下, 加番茄, 鸡汤, saffron, 鸡块 , 盐, 胡椒, 烧开, 盖盖, 小火焖15分钟

很好吃, 试试吧, 你也可以变动方子, 我做饭就从来做不出同样的味道, 老公说我不能开 餐馆, 客人要点上次叫的菜, 我就惨啦, 哈哈..
Thanks for the reply, Suezi. I will try to use Canola oil instead of Pam oil spray I have been using on the grill pan.
I like buying kitchen stuff, cookware, dinnerware and small gadgets. I like Le Creuset, because they are so pretty. Of course, way too heavy for lots of people. I bought a 10pc All-Clad set a couple of years ago, kpet on adding additional pots through the years, they are the best cookware to me. Nice cookware really completes a nice cooking experience. By the way, I recently started to use panini presser to do some small grill job, such as a couple of pcs of steak, chicken breast, it wokrs so well. It saves lots of time on lighting grill, cleaning grill, etc.
Have a good weekend!
Mizi, thank you for your kind comment on my blog, I am pretty bad when it comes to maintaining my blog, I enjoy cooking very much. I have a family of four and sometime six when my parents come to visit, so I cook a lot of food. I like to experiment with different ethnic cooking too. It brings variety to our table and also keeps me entertained as well. I enjoy buying kitchen equipments just like my son enjoy his Legos; a new toy or a new recipe book inspires me to cook. I’ll check the book you recommend. Thanks!
I also left a reply about the Le Creuset grill pan on my posting; here it is again in case you don’t go back there. I used to buy Le Creuset more, now it gets too heavy for me, I have started to collect All-Clad, it’s easier to handle.
Each time before use, I heat the pan very hot, then coat with canola oil before add food, Canola oil has very high burning resistance, other oil tends to leave residues. After cooking, soak it with hot water before washing.
经常上你这儿来取菜谱,可今天是第一次发现可以留言。很喜欢你菜谱中的随意,而且几乎每次都很成功。前一阵从你这儿取的“干锅鸡翅”,让不爱吃辣的老公和儿子都赞不绝口。我一直很喜欢西班牙菜,曾开着车在西班牙从北至南、从西向东逛了三星期,没有一餐吃得不满意。你的PAELLA一下子让我想起了西班牙街头的大锅PAELLA,一定好吃。顺便说一下,Williams-Sonoma出过一本“Savoring Spain & Portugal"的Cooking Book, 书中几乎一半的菜谱我都已试过,非常好,easy follow, 而且不需要很fancy的材料。再次谢谢你的那些菜谱,让我少买了好些cooking books :)