To Jessey08,跟你讲个事,3年前有个朋友在美国当兵去了,俺开玩笑的问他。万一中美开战,你会站在那一边?朋友说:那要看哪一边对了。小朋友就是小朋友,小兵就是小兵。政治的东西什么才是一个标准啊?什么是对,什么是错啊?伊拉克错了吗?老美错了吗?北京的学生错了吗?中共政府错了吗?小邓错了吗?没有,这里面谁都没错。但谁都要为自己的行为付上责任和代价。这个世界本来就没有对与错,只有强势与弱势,挨打与反抗,王与草寇。政治就是政治,知识分子,民运人士一厢情愿的单方向思维都没用。这个世界本来就是流氓,政客,财团统治的。批评,批判,反对政府的不当事务,帮助政府发现,纠正错误也没错。但是以造谣生事,污蔑诽谤为生,拿外国资金与国家民族为对立的就不厚道了。海外64运运的异变,轮子,脏毒,姜毒,及其所做所为相信广大群众就有目共睹了,俺也不必费口舌了。要谈民主,自由,人权。先谈谈如何讲美国大都会博物馆,英国的大英博物馆属于中国的东西拿回来再说吧。英法火烧圆明园,沙俄占领大兴安岭以南,黑龙江以北,江东六十四屯大约一百多万平方公里的领土,与日本战败后的赔款,八国联军四万万五千万两银子的赔款先拿回来再谈民主吧。不管中国的民主政治与西方的民主政治差距有多大,但至少可以肯定的说,今天,我们中国人民在世界的舞台逐渐站起来了,我们也为国家的繁荣与发展感到骄傲。民主嘛!我们也要以自己的方式发展,我们也有权利选择自己的发展模式。对于西方外来的东西,我们可以借鉴,但决定权在我们手里,我们不需要外来的干扰,如果照搬西方可用的,我们也照搬来用,不理解这一点就别提什么民主了。话又说回来,民主其实是:盲人摸象。有人说民主是人民当家做主,有人说民主就是民选政府,也有人说民主就是少数人服从多数人。俺说:民主是商人与共和的产物。咱们国家正在经历产生商人阶级的这一过程,哪一天中国的商人达到一定力量的时候中国就民主了。现在谈民主还是痴人说梦。
This disgusting 王千源. She will learn what is Karma.
ruthchen 发表评论于
some words to wang dan,
i don't understand why you still want go back to China. As you said you still love China, nobody can agree with you.if you love your country, no somethig to help people in Sichuan, do something to help olymapic game in Beijing, I am one of chinese who did support olymapic torch in toronto, because I am so proud of it. Chinese leaders are working hard to change the country, people life are getting better and better, can you see it or you don't want to see it? if you don't agree what's happening in China, then apply to immigrate to United states, live there,find a job there, you can say i hate to be a Chinese, nobody cares. no matter what, you lived in china for more than 20 years, be nice, don't use your snake language to hurt your mother land.Those white people who hate Chinese from their heart, i don't see any reason to accept you, because you have a chinese face too. If you go back to china, I am sure nobody will buy your ideas. Remeber old Chinese saying: build bridge, don't broke bridge behind you, you never know when you will come back.
Wow. Just wow. While I have physics and a paper to write, I really need to get this out.
Grace Wang. She's really something.
She's quite useful to the media. Both sides are having a field day. The chinese TV are branding her as this terrible traitor while western media is holding her up as the lone voice of reason. They both are neglecting the truth, what Grace really is, beyond the 9 minute Youtube video and glorious interviews.
When I first met her at a dinner, she immediately spilled her life story. I thought, maybe she was being a slightly socially incompetent fob and trying to make friends. I listened. What a good story it was.
She told of how she was involved in a political group with some top lawyers in China. They were trying to get the truth out of the Tiananmen square incident. They wrote articles and blogs together on the subject. Then one day, one of her friends involved in the group disappeared. They called her, went to her house, tried everything, but she was no where to be found. Then Grace and her parents start freaking out. Grace's dad, at the time the ex mayor of Qingdao, afraid of Grace facing a similar fate, went to her files in the city government and threw them out. She got a new name, and quickly moved to South Korea. At the time, Grace told us that she already dropped out of her high school in Qingdao because she was unsatisfied by the best high school in Shandong province. She moved to Korea, and there she learned English by watching American films. While she was there, she also slept around with a lot of guys. Then she applied to Harvard and got rejected. The next year, she applies again, to Harvard, Princeton, Yale, and Duke. She gets accepted to all but Harvard. She chose to come to Duke because she got the Robertson. She then turns down the Robertson because she didn't want the restrictions set by the program.
After the story finished, we were all pretty amazed. We were all thinking that this seemingly innocent Chinese student is destined for greatness. After we come back to my room, she proceeds to tell one of us about the guy in the dorm she had sex with. I was quite shocked by this. She seemed so innocent, and we had only been at Duke for less than 5 days. She says the guy was a virgin and now he wants a relationship. We go to the common room, she points him out, and he was playing pool at the other side of the room, totally not paying attention to her.
Later on, Grace begins telling us many stories about herself. All she ever talks about is herself.
As the stories piled on, they became inconsistent, and sometimes directly contradicting. People begin question her trustworthiness. Eventually, after months of lies and irrationality, people begin disliking her. For such a trusting and kind dorm like Brown to dislike someone, you really have to be special. And Grace is that special. Now we know she is a liar. She didn't go to Korea or even participate in anything political. She even told people that she wrote her own recommendations for college applications. She made up stories to make herself seem impressive for colleges, and now, the western media.
She's overloading by taking around 6 courses. 2-3 of those are foreign language courses. She was angry that the academic dean wouldn't let her do more. Funny thing is, she's definitely not doing well in any of them. I've heard her practice her German, and it is atrocious.
She also reads like a maniac. I don't really know what she reads, but it's Chinese literature/philosophy and political theory. She prints hundreds of pages a night to read, parades around with her stack of papers, telling anyone who would listen, trying to impress another person of her political acumen.
She shaved off her eyebrows the other day. Because 1: all her boy problems will go away, and 2: pretty girls never make history.
She also makes up stories about how people ask to have sex with her or perform sexual acts with her.
Is it me, or is she someone trying to convince herself that she's destined for greatness?
It would really take a really long time to really describe all my Grace stories and I don't have time for it. But all I can say is, she has been lifted up by western media as a martyr in this battle for Tibet. And she's drinking in every moment of it, because finally, she is being seen as a hero.
What a silly, irrational girl.