
And 临总 said this:


很久很久以前,左总刚到美国来的时候,曾经有过一个大白妞friend, 在gym里认识的,她还做饼给左总吃来着,不过不是临总说的套在脖子上的那种饼(sorry I don’t have pictures to prove it, so you have to take my words for it)。那时候左总英文还说不利索,“he”和“she”还分不清楚,时态语态单复数也没弄明白. so she must like some other characteristics of 左总(other than his linguistic skills in Germanic languages). 左总英文水平的提高和后来读了很多书有关系,那是后话,暂且不提(and yeah,that's the power of reading).

大白妞is an Ivy League PHD too (a PHD candidate at that time), so I would venture to assume she has a brain bigger than that of Supermodel 临总. 大白妞身材那叫一个火爆, she has other body parts that are more voluminous (meaning bigger) than those of 临总’s too, but which ones? 左总doesn’t want to use any more 4-lettered words with stars, but let me put it this way: 每次左总吃grapefruit, 哈密瓜的时候就会想起大白妞,每次左总吃葡萄荔枝龙眼的时候,or every time when he drives to JFK International Airport,他就会想起临总. lol...

Of course, that's not the only thing that matters. sorry, i mean those are not the only things that matter, and it's not always the bigger the better. A big heart (and brain),a beautiful mind and even a little occasional humbleness goes a long way too.

BTW,每次左总吃花生的时候就会联想起想起临总的智商, who, I reckon, has a brain similar to an averaged sized peanut. (in case you didn’t get my joke, “peanut brain” is a expression people use to compliment someone with less than perfect intellectual sophistication) :-)

So finally, 临总, my point is, in a nutshell(do you still remember what it means?) you are not the smartest, the fittest or the fairest of them all, you are not even the tallest or the skinniest :-) However, with all that said, you are still a decent, weddable human being. lol...

