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想起来我的一个认识他的女朋友的名言,因为我搬家以后他就见不到我了,写信我也基本不回,他甚至在开头写好:I know u will not answer, but... 于是这个失魂的男人经常去我女友那里探听消息,女友说:想你也不会喜欢他:闷到抽筋(广东话讲才好玩),其实无论怎样,我是从来不跟有妇之夫纠缠不清的。整出点什么事来,天父要让雷打到我了:),那个罪可大的说。。。至于不小心伤害了人,求天父赦免我。


Dear H,

I can understand u, u see a friendship between a man and a woman is not easy, I dont blame A, she has every right to fight for what she deems to be necessary, what really make u sad maybe: I dont care.

I have found girlfriend to help me with the move to new apartment, and she is German, know all things well. U know need to worry or feel guilty. God will take care of me himself, better than every man, pls just pray for me, that is all.

Actually from the winter time when I had the trouble with the train, she refused to take me with your car, I know what is not because of traffic, but also with the jealousy or sth. in the direction, therefore, I decided to keep distance with you to avoid more misunderstanding.

Pls take good care of her, as marriage worth saving, and your wife worth loving.

Try your best, I wish you two the best.

If you wont be able to write or help me, I dont mind, I can understand u and support u.
