1. B.O要给中低阶层减税: not really true. He'll double capital gain tax. Most people (not just rich) will be affected. More importantly people will shift their capitals to somewhere else? Then where are the capitals for the business?
2. B.O要给富有阶层加税: true. What's the result? The riches will move their wealth out of the country. Again, where are the capitals for the businesses?
It is a common sense that less capital means less businesses which means less jobs.
Undoubtly Bush administration should take the major responsibility for their fiscal responsibilities. However domoncrat-controlled-congress insert so many earmarks into the war and national security budget, they also must share the blames.
Good questioning, but --- 来源: 武胜 于 08-06-11 18:29:47
1. Most stock held by middle class Americans is in IRA or 401k accounts, where the capital gains rate doesn't apply. The tax rate matters for stock held outside these retirement accounts, and most of that stock is owned by extremely wealthy individuals. The bottom 60% of households own just 9%, while the top 10% of households own 70%. Over half of all capital gains go to households with income over $1 million. That's roughly two-tenths of one percent of the population getting more than half the benefit of the cut in the tax rate.
2. Are you worrying about the rich would be too poor? No kidding, borrowing money is the least concern for American business. The most concern is marketing. In Bill Clinton years, capital gain tax was 20% and top income tax rate was 39.6%. It was cut to 15% and 35% respectively by G.W.Bush. What's the result?