In the News: Thousands Join President in Mourning Russert

ABCNews today full article here

Thousands of friends, colleagues and strangers joined President Bush and his wife, Laura, in paying respects on Tuesday to Tim Russert.

Several hundred people were in line more than an hour before the early afternoon start of the wake at St. Albans School, an elite private boys school on the grounds of Washington National Cathedral in Northwest Washington. Many had never met the host of the Sunday-morning talk show "Meet the Press."


The crowd was a mix of people in suits and dresses interspersed with a few wearing jeans and shorts — a wake for someone who had touched a wide variety of people.


Two words today

wake - 瞻仰, a watch held over the body of a dead person prior to burial

intersperse - 散布于 to place something at intervals in or among
