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作者: dralexwu   发表日期: 2008-06-18 00:36  点击数: 44

2007-10-06 17:07:22 本文已公布到博客频道文化·原创分类
Health, Nature and Society
Medicine and philosophy from nature
Teachings by Dr. Alex Wu, medical doctor

Preface, introduction to the author and the book
By Hanneke Evers, student of Alex Wu

This book is about philosophy, but above all about our daily life. It contains all kinds of suggestions to live more happy and more healthy. These suggestions come from the health system and nature philosophy of Alex Wu. He did them in lectures he recorded in the years 2005-2007.
For him is the proof of a good doctor if he cures the people, if the symptoms disappear, if they get a better life. Not a short time, but on the long run. That is why he knows all about a health life style and healthy society. His wisdom and medicine come from nature. Nature feeds us and leaves no side effects or addictions. Alex Wu is inspired by the immense nature of the Himalaya, where he was born. Nature makes it possible for us all to become full grown, fully human; to develop humanity and human goodness. For ourselves, our family, our company, the society we live in.
The moment I met Alex Wu I will never forget. In a deep crisis of my life, an important thing happened. I had severe health problems, I could not go on in the old way, working and being busy like the others. I had tried a whole battery of doctors, Buddhist courses, yoga, tai chi, all of the things modern society offers us. All people were helpful, but nothing worked for me. When I did the chi gong of Alex Wu I felt this was very powerful. The explanations he gave and the answers on questions were very directly and from the heart. I appreciated that he was directly, that he confronted me with my poor situation. When I consulted him he was not behind a desk as doctors always do, but in an overcrowded house where he immediately showed me a pan with cooked herbs. His diagnosis was sharp and to the point. In half an hour he knew my situation and the treatment. Normal doctors need many consults and even then don’t come to the core.
From that moment on I follow the chi gong lessons of Alex Wu, first as a patient, then as a student. Every year I learn more, the work of Alex Wu is always in development, as is our life.
Alex Wu is a real family doctor. We have all close relations with the people with who we live, with the family from which we are born. They support us, but can also cause problems. We are with them in an energy network. When one person of this network follows the medical and spiritual system of Alex Wu, the others can also have profit for their wellbeing and health. That is why my husband also became interested, follows his chi gong lessons and takes care of his health. My old mother takes the herbal powders of Alex Wu, so that she is able to live independent, has a more strong mood and can keep on walking,
Besides his medical and chi gong practise Alex Wu developed a theoretical frame and philosophy for his work and life to educate his patients and students. Chinese medicine and philosophy is uncommon in the Western world. There are many misunderstandings from both sides. Alex Wu chooses to be loyal to his principles and method. He knows he must adept to the Western way, but he doesn’t want to loose his essential roots in order to please the overloaded Western consumer.
His mission is to bring health, love, harmony and peace to a society that is devastated by ambition, greed, anger and selfishness. In 2000 years of history people have not become wise, choose war instead of peace, sickness instead of health. In his practise Alex Wu experiences many negative feelings. People don’t want to hear the truth, instead they kill the messenger. Alex Wu identifies himself with the few famous doctors in Chinese history. Like Bien Qiao, who was sent away by the emperor when he saw his illness in an early state. When the illness was in the middle stage and Bien Qiao still could help, the emperor wanted to kill him. When it was too late, the emperor wanted him to come, but then Bien Qiao couldn’t help any more
In this book you find the thoughts, feelings and wisdom of a very special person. His ability comes not mainly from school or university education, although he learned a lot. His ability is the consequence of a special training of body and mind, as is known in old and modern China, nowadays under the name chi gong.
Alex Wu had the chance to practise chi gong in the way it is delivered from father to son or from a master to his well selected pupil. Ages and ages people have lived in the mountains of old China, people who researched about the chi, the life energy, the mystery of life. They discovered methods to cultivate the spiritual energy that is in every living being, in his surroundings, in the food, in the whole cosmos. Some places in the mountains were so pure that these wise people could only live of the air.
By living in this way they got extraordinary capacities like physical strength, sensitivity, memory power. Only by keeping these findings secret, they could be kept. Sometimes they were written down.
By their experiments it became clear that spiritual energy is not as mysterious as most people assume. On the contrary, the spiritual energy is everywhere, in the body, the ground, the air, the food, the climate, the mood of the people, the cosmic spheres. The behaviour of animals is mainly based on their sensitivity for the spiritual energy, the cosmic powers like gravity and electromagnetic fields. Think of the sensitivity of dogs and dolphins.
All material particles send out electromagnetic energy; radar and laser systems are based on that. Modern techniques use the capacities of the different energy frequencies, that is why our mobile telephone calls are transmitted through the air. That is why we have radio, television. The teachings in this book make a bridge between the research in old China of people who wanted a spiritual life and the modern physics who want to discover new techniques. The aim of both is the same, they want to know the truth of life.
Born in 1959 from a mother who was a medical doctor, the young Alex Wu developed an interest for the old herbal medicines of China. He learned already when he was a boy about the heath effects of the herbs that grow in the pure air of the Himalaya mountains. The power that the chi gong gave him he used to develop his sensitivity for the energetic system of the human (and animal) body in relation to the energetic and chemical effects of the different plants and different pieces of a plant.
This is very unusual. Most people in China who develop high spiritual and physical effects with systems like chi gong, tai chi of kung fu use these abilities for demonstrations ,like the Shaolin monks, of for fighting, like the legendary movie star Bruce Lee. Alex Wu went his own way, he developed a unique medical system that uses the old methods and knowledge for the modern people. He learned the properties of the plants, not only the leaves, all the parts of the plants by experience on his own body. He places himself in the tradition of Sun Nong, who researched about the effects of the herbs and the food on his own body.
As a teenager Alex Wu already cured people. He had the ambition to learn the traditional Eastern medical system as well as modern Western medicine. In China these systems exist together. It is not like in the West, where modern medicine is number one and the other approaches are called alternative.
In spite of the acknowledgment of a mind in the body, Western medical science and practise is materialised. They don’t see the spiritual energy in the body, they only see organs, chemicals, DNA genetics. The mind is the domain of psychology and religion. As Alex Wu says:” they think they can eliminate a problem by cutting off and throwing the body part away; they neglect that the body is a synergetic system in which blood and oxygen are constantly moving and the spiritual energy is needed to make a unique living being”. Life knows no contradiction between the material and the spiritual, both are present for 50%. Spiritual energy can be considered as the equivalent of the immune system of the body.
Western medicine treats all people as if they have the same bodies, in fact every living being is unique. In every human (and animal) body the same illness has different symptoms. Every body has its characteristic history and genetic pattern. In fact we know that all, but the consequences for medical research are far reaching. The statistic research methods that are used have meaning only within a the context of a medical approach that cures all people with a similar illness with the same medicine and the same treatment. When we depart from the individual disease pattern, we need more qualitative research methods.
Alex Wu is a globalist, he feels deeply that, the world is connected, that we all live in the same global village. After a busy life as a medical doctor and head of a cancer research institute in Chengdu, he travelled many months in Western direction and decided to live in the Netherlands. He described this travel in his book: Himalaya chi gong , Alex Wu; 1997 Forum, Amsterdam. He wanted to bring his Himalaya medical system to the West and use an optimal combination of herbs, acupuncture and chi gong to cure all kind of diseases. As one of the few Chinese people in that time he had learned English, because he knew that his future was in the West.
Not driven by money, the motives of Alex Wu are pure, he wants the benefit of the people, to give people a good mental, physical and long life. His abilities make it possible to feel the energy blocks and diseases in a very early stage. Then he can prevent the diseases to come up. When people feel healthy and are full of energy, then all of them will work for a better world, no one will go on war, no politician wants to be corrupt. Then our economy will be in service of a happy life, we know how to prevent the diseases, we will live in harmony with our surroundings.
Alex Wu uses his body as a radar system to feel the pain and energy blocks of others. As a chi gong teacher he connects us with the mass of energy of the Himalaya mountains. He is fully aware of the interconnectedness of all life on earth, of the connection of the earth with the huge system of stars and planets, and that all has an immense history of millions of years. Alex Wu even has a view on the conditions for life.
He lives many lifetimes: he is a medical doctor, a philosopher and also an artist. This book is illustrated with the paintings that Alex Wu likes to make. His materials are rice paper, Chinese ink and water colour. His original self made style gives a special effect. His work reflects his energy and views. He likes to paint nature and combine an old Chinese style with Western subjects. His recent paintings are the reflections of the Dutch landscape in his mind, his deep feelings with the Dutch land and the people, he feels the special earth energy. He is active to promote Chinese art, his work was in a lot of exhibitions and is bought all over the world in Europe, Japan, China, Australia, New Zealand, the U.S. and Canada.
Alex Wu wants to write down his knowledge so that future generations can make use of it. Hua To the famous doctor in China’s past who could play chess while operating, didn’t make notes. His knowledge is lost.
The teachings of Alex Wu in this book show his development. At first he wants to make clear what his medical principles are. He says it is not easy to be a good doctor in traditional Chinese medicine. It needs a lot of experience and concentration power to make a diagnosis and treatment plan. A traditional doctor has no equipment, no machines, has his own body to sense and to cure.
In order to make a good mixture of herbs you must count with often contradictory symptoms in the body and also with the weather (hot, cold, dry, humid). You must be a physical and psychological doctor together. The herbs clean also the emotional disturbances in the mind. Low energy is the reason that the organs don’t function well but also that a person has no enjoyment in life, feels depressive or aggressive.
Then Alex Wu wants to explain that he is not only a medical doctor but also a chi gong teacher who guides the students on the spiritual path. His medical and spiritual system is not only for people who have problems with their health. Also people who are looking for a spiritual path, can follow his teachings and he can bring them far. But almost nobody has the perseverance and the abilities only to end the first stage and not to fall back. Worldly interests are all overwhelming. To live a healthy life is not easy.
Many Western students think they can do without a teacher. They have no idea of the dangers of the spiritual path, no idea unique significance of a teacher and master. The teacher is your father, your spiritual friend. You are one family. That is part of Eastern culture.To make that clear for the West Alex Wu compares the significance of a spiritual teacher with the work of a football coach for a football team. Of the necessity of such a coach we are all convinced.
A main part of these teachings is about the feeling of Alex Wu that he is for 100% connected with nature, that nature feeds him and rewards him. That brings him to a very personal philosophy of nature. Man is part of nature, everything is built of the same chi. Man is not above nature, not victim of nature. Nature is not something to put in a museum, as we did with the nature population when we colonised the world. We cannot master nature, we do better to learn from nature, investigate, understand and respect nature, not destroy nature.
Natural science is of use to make the life of the people more happy. Then we have no need to make weapons, instead use our knowledge to prevent nature disasters, to grow food for every living being on this planet.
Also a society system can be constructed in congruence with nature. We can live like the nature people in the few villages in the mountains that still exist, where the people have enough to be happy and feel the energy of nature. The biggest fault of modern society is to think that we can exploit nature. But nature hits back, as we all see. We disturb our atmosphere, pollute our waters, disturb ecological systems. Alex Wu feels our disconnectedness at his own body. We must not cut tropical rain woods and kill the animals that live in there. Killing them is killing ourselves. That is why he calls the United Nations to make a plan of action, to register carefully all nature disasters that happen at the moment.
Our life is half material, half a spiritual life. That is the credo of Alex Wu. They are the yang and the yin, they belong together. Without yang there is no yin, without yin there is no yang. Still we are not used to see and feel the spiritual part of our existence. We cannot see the yin part, we can only see the yang. But we all know the difference between positive, inspiring forces in people, in our surroundings and negative, destructive forces. So we have all some sensitivity. Spiritual forces can materialise, see the Christmas wishes we all send with New Year. Aggression can materialise in the body as gas. In his treatment of emotional problems Alex Wu uses the positive energy in his chi gong, herbs and acupuncture to let the negative energy come out. Negative energy can materialise in the body as cancer cells.
We all know that we are dependant on the weather. In fact we don’t care so much, only if we have holiday we notice if the weather will be nice. Alex Wu lives with the weather, the changes in the air and the earth, the temperature, the air pressure, the humidity. All these conditions change over the day, when the yang energy climbs with sunrise, falls down at dawn and lets the yin energy come up. Above all we have the four seasons, caused by the position of the earth compared to the sun. Alex Wu describes each season, as it influences our body, one of the organs has a central position in each season. We must, eat, sleep and live in harmony with the characteristics of each season. In this way we can gather the energy from nature.
The last two chapters conclude about the main themes of Alex Wu ‘s thinking. One is the universal law of nature: good causes, good result; bad causes bad result. In his practise he has met a lot of narrow minded people, who put money before health. Our economic society does the same, money is our god. That brings sickness and unhappiness. We have more than enough space and money to give the world population a happy life. After 2000 years of history we still have not reached that.
As to the position of traditional Eastern medicine Alex Wu feels the urge to co-operate. Western medicine is yang medicine, Eastern medicine is yin medicine. They have to adept, to learn each other’s language. Both belong together, want to bring happiness to all living beings. At the end of the book likes to explain how he makes a diagnosis of the people, from his body he sends the energy waves into the body of the patient, by concentrating he can feel more and more of the pains, blockades, sorrow. A doctor who can do that, must know how to clean himself of the bad stuff he gets inside. Things we call extraordinary we can explain if we acknowledge the existence of a spiritual and material reality together, interconnected and inseparable. Alex Wu mentions the technique of kung fu acupressure that liberates the energy knots in the body of a patient only by moving the hand. In this way a patient can be cured, but it can also be used for fighting and paralysing the opponent. Bruce Lee the famous kung fu movie star was killed in this way.
In the Chinese moon festival the Chinese people celebrate the special cosmic energy that exists because of the position of moon, earth and sun in that time of the year.
When we can develop our capacity to sense the natural, cosmic, spiritual powers, we are able to know more and more of all of life. Then we know and feel more about life and society on this planet the earth but we can sense and know also about other life, about our past and our future. In this book Alex Wu wants to warn people not to waste their capacities, with even the possibility of extinction, because we misuse ourselves and or planet. We better follow the natural law that positive energy brings about more positive and negative energy more negativity.
You should consider that the text is the transcript of the lectures of Alex Wu, it is spoken language of someone who is not a native speaker of English. Also you should consider that the experience of Alex Wu is not the way of common people, because of his energetic power and super sensitivity. The book is not a novel, but also not a learning book. If you dig into it, you will find that words are only indications of meanings and reality. If you don’t feel yourself, all words remain only at the outside of your body, they don’t penetrate into your life. You can only have profit from this book if you digest it slowly, its content is comparable to the chi gong energy that comes inside, if you practise well.
The best way to understand deeply the meaning of the words and to feel the energetic power, is to hear the words and the voice of Alex Wu. But a book is the best way to conserve and to spread out the knowledge.
The illustrations in the book are photographs of recent paintings of Alex Wu, in which he also lays down the way he experiences the world and his inhabitants. For example when he paints birds, you hear the birds singing.
I want to thank Michiel Ockeloen, student of Alex Wu who did much for the preparation of this book.

List of publications:
The first book of Alex Wu is Himalaya chi gong, Forum,Amsterdam, 1997
1987, 1989, Findlay, U.S.
1992, Wolters Noordhoff, Groningen
1993, William R. Frizzel cultural centre Florida
1994, Soeterijn Theatre and Tropial museum, Amsterdam
1994, V en D shopping house, Amsterdam
1996, Art la Casa, Kerkstraat ,Amsterdam
1997, Exhibition in the Dutch parliament
1998, Kathmandu, Nepal
circa 2000, Nijmegen theatre, Amsterdam Oibibio cultural centre, Hilversum perfume factory
Pacific Asia museum , Pasadena, U.S. (permanent collection),
Rung Book Temple Nepal


1. My life as a nature medical doctor
1.1   how to become a good, wise, nature doctor
1.2   moral behaviour; my practise
1.3 light for a greedy society; prevention is most important

2. Spiritual guiding
2.1 a good chi gong teacher is a spiritual guide; the cleaning process
2.2 yin and yang goes together ;stages of spiritual development compared to a football team
2.3. spiritual effect of Himalaya chi gong ; side effects of bad practice
2.4. They kill the doctor; Chi gong cleans the spiritual and physical dust
2.5 How to get spiritual and physical strength; natural development

3. Nature and society
3.1. My practise; Chinese rude philosophy
3.2. Nature’s harmony
3.3. Naturalism ; Poem of the snow
3.4. Fully connect nature
3.5. Building a pure naturalistic society

4.Environmental protection
4.1 love the trees, the plants; stop human stupidity
4.2 global earth fever; global earth
4.3.use nature energy sources; prevent nature disasters

5.Spiritual existence
5.1 spiritual energy exists in the material
5.2 negative spirits, recognise, prevent
5.3. the causes of bird’s flue; modern science only uses one eye
5.4. positive spirits
5.5.negative spirits
5.6 spiritual nutrition, spiritual power, spiritual war
5.7 spiritual guiding by energy transfer; China, my visit

6.Life protection in the four seasons
6.1 health care and spiritual life in spring and autumn
6.2 energy cultivation in autumn and summer
6.3 life in summer ; cosmos stars and cosmos life
6.4 health care in winter

7.Wisdom from nature
7.1 nature wisdom guides human society
7.2 nature wisdom, nature economy
7.3 the truth is pain, nature is open

8.Chinese traditional medicine
8.1 traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine; the sensitivity of animals
8.2 spiritual and long distance diagnosis
8.3 Chinese medical acupressure
8.4 Western medicine cancer treatment
8.5 Nature’s regeneration

1.1   How to become a good, wise, nature doctor

A good doctor develops himself physical and spiritually,
what are spirits/ is spiritual energy,
the story of Hua To and the yellow emperor,
curing with water,
emotions are causes of sickness
the herbs work for 40% the doctor’s energy for 60%

How to become a good doctor.
A good doctor must develop himself, also his life behaviour, the medical experience, spiritual development. You must know for 100% sure what you are doing. Also you energy and immune system must be much more high, then you can help your patient.
If your spiritual energy, the immune system gets higher, then inside is more peace, then you can help.
You must know what you do with the different herbs and how much energy you can give.It is not only the herbal, also the spiritual energy that cures.
You must know the causes of a problem, different causes give a different recipe.
If there is a problem with the family you advise how to solve. Otherwise the patient does not recover.

I have a few patients, they are yoga, Reiki masters, chi gong teachers, tai chi teachers, they are very greedy. They want more and more. They practise every day. They practice by books. No teacher guides them. They even don’t know how to teach. They get side effects. If a good doctor will recover this kind of people, you guide them, so that the bad thoughts are cleaned and the behaviour has changed. Otherwise they get worse and worse. As a good doctor you not only care for the physical part, but also for the spiritual and energy problem. Also life behaviour gives a lot of problems. You have to know the patient’s life experience, thoughts, life style, spiritual life
Greediness gives in the West a lot of problems. You have to teach them not to be so greedy, to behave good. As a good doctor you use your own spirit to influence your students .
But in Holland people want more and more money. They think that money is more important than life. They prefer to die instead of giving money for the treatment. You cannot force them. If they want to go you must let them go.
As a good doctor you have take care of your own energy, then you can give energy, love and a good spirit to help the patients. A lot of diseases are related with spiritual problems or life style.
Problems have also to do with the food and with sleep behaviour. Even for the sleep you have to ask. As a good doctor you are not only a physical doctor, but you are also a psychologist. You must make a good combination and give good knowledge too. Sometimes patients come to me and ask if they must believe my theory.
Even if patients don’t believe me, it works. The combination of herbal medicine and energy works. I treat now side effects students, I tell them that they are greedy. When they at first don’t accept, they accept step by step my philosophy. My way of doing is different from a lot of people.
As a Reiki master, massagist, you have to be careful, you must know how much energy you have. If you only have a little bit and you give more, then you can die. If you give too much you become empty and the blood comes out of the body (teeth, nose, mouth, lower parts)
I experienced that myself when I was young, I gave everything to the patients, gave too much and got sick .So I have also side effect experience. I also know that greediness can give physical problems, spiritual problems, you can die for it. As a good doctor you must also know the disease process. For example when the liver is infected, has a blockade, I feel it and then I tell them.
In winter with flu, I feel the bacteria are already on the surface. Then I advice to take herbal medicine. When they take no herbal medicine, the bacteria go to the lung.Patients must experience that.

Spiritual energy
Western people don’t like to talk about spiritual life because they don’t know about spirits, they get scared, think you are strange, think it is the devil. That is not right, spirits are very important for the body, we live on spiritual energy. Why in Western society a lot of people commit suicide? Because they don’t have spiritual life, they don’t have spiritual support. So they live alone and feel that life has no value any more.
I always feel the bad spirits. When a patient comes I must tell them not only to clean the physical problem, but also clean the spirits and change life behaviour. Otherwise I cannot recover them. That is very important for the doctor.
Like a Chinese lady, she started a lot of activities like shiatsu, she learned a lot, but got very sick, because she only learned the theory, but she never learned about bad spiritual influences. I wanted to recover her, because she had bad spirits, she could not get rest, because the bad spirits made the liver to produce wrong blood, so she could not sit down, got hyperventilation, the thyroid gland was swollen
I was seventeen when I treated a girl, she had the same problem, thyroid gland swollen, no rest, always eating and also emotional. She had to clean her emotions, I give herbal medicine to clean the liver and also some water herbal medicine to cool the blood, cool the liver and kidney. Then she got more water in the liver, the sprits got better, her behaviour was more quiet, and so she recovered. Of course if she listened to me she recovered, if she didn’t listen she would not recover, that is her choice. She did tai chi, qi gong but you can say that if the spirits are not clean, the life behaviour and emotions are not clean, you never can recover. As a good doctor you really should understand what is going on. I think prevention is first important, then you can save the doctors energy, the doctor’s spirits. You can save the patient’s pain, the patient ‘s money. In Europe people think I am not sick, the doctor Alex Wu makes money so he tells me I am sick. In our Chinese medical history Hua To did the same like I do, he could feel before the diseases came. So one story.

The yellow emperor
There is a story about the yellow emperor. His famous doctor Hua To saw a problem on the surface of the body and would offer herbs. The emperor thought: I am very ok, I am never sick, I never feel bad. He kicked Hua To out. The second time he said: now the problem is in the middle, the disease goes into the body now and has already interrupted the organs. In the brain is a tumour. He told him I can help you now, you should quickly take some treatment, but the emperor got very angry and kicked him out. He wanted not to see him again. Then after one month the emperor got extremely sick .
Then he felt regret and thought I should listen to Hua To.He send people to look for Hua To, but Hua To knew his problem could not recover, he did not come. Then the emperor died. This happened in Chinese medical history.
Hua To was a good doctor, the best doctor in Chinese medical history. That is why I do the same, I use herbs and also chi gong. I tell when I feel their problems.

I feel their problems
A lot of people are scared for me, because they come and I can see their spirits, I know which type of person it is (tricky, open honest, good heart, bad heart).
I said to a patient that his stomach and intestines were sick.
I have a good heart. Then he got angry very. He was too busy in the mind and had no energy for stomach and intestines. It was a big blockade. He felt he had no privacy any more. But my purpose is to tell to be careful. He wanted to hide his sick points, but he cannot hide in front of me. A good doctor and a normal doctor that makes a difference
Even when people have many clothes, they cannot hide, I can see what kind of person they are, if they have a good heart basis, if they are bad. Bur for me I must continue, for it is my karma is to help people, to be a good doctor

Spiritual support
As a good doctor you have to support your students.
I once supported a patient with family problems. Her family wanted to get her out of the house and then she got depressed. She did not tell me, but I saw it, I went to her place and saved her life.
Another patient had problems with an official, who wants to use his power to kill him. My patient is over sixty and is mentally and physically not so strong. A lot of time I used a strong way to teach him chi gong, I talked a lot with him, told him to encourage his lawyer.
I give not only physical support, also spiritual support and suggestions for the life style. As a good doctor you have to give yourself to the patient

Transfer of a disease
People don’t realize, but animals know. They always use their sensitivity to recognize the different energies. Our study, education destroyed that system. Not so many can recognise that people with people can transfer bad , good spirits, bad and good energy, blockades, cancer. Even if you don’t touch. Also the blockades by cancer can transfer to another person.
I know an example of someone, her mother got cancer, she was very involved and got it herself. I think not so many doctors know. This is real science, my experience. Also as a good doctor you follow the disease, follow the process, the energy system because in our system we know that energy is always on the move. When the liver problem is solved, there can come a sleep problem, then you give other herbs. That is why we follow the disease process.

The disease process of flu.
Flu is first in the skin, the bacteria fight with the immune system. Good energy fights with bad energy, then you get fever. When you are strong, the bacteria go out. When you are not so strong. the bacteria go into the body. To the lung, then you start coughing
When the people come and the disease is on the surface, you give herbs to make the patient sweat to kick the bacteria out. If the patient has flu for a long time, one or two weeks, the stomach is destroyed, you cannot eat.
I give herbs, one side to kick the bacteria out, the other side you must think about the lung, that causes a dry coughing and phlegm, then you have to be very careful
I give herbs, for stomach and lungs. If the coughing is for a long time, like five years, then you must know that also kidney and liver become destroyed. Then I give kidney herbals, liver herbs and also for the lung.
In summer and winter I give different herbs. You have to follow the seasons, in autumn I give different herbs, in spring I give different herbs .Even every week the diseases have their own process. The energy is always moving. We treat people not like the Western medicine with aspirine , that everybody can use

Every time I give different herbs
A patient of me mostly gets flu from his colleges, but sometimes if he works too hard also his liver and the kidney are influenced because of emotions. I give then herbs to clean the bad emotional spirits in the liver, so I give herbs to get the bad anger out of the body, then he gets better. Sometimes he works too hard so that the blood is not good, then I give herbs for his blood.
Every time it is different. It is not easy to be a good TCM doctor, even if you study many years. You need a lot of basis, the doctor’s self assurance, self development. You have to use your talent, your brain works very fast, you develop your sensitivity because even before the patient comes, I already know the problem. After the treatment, you have to send continuously energy to the patient. When you give herbs, your spirits- because you want the patient to get better- your spiritual energy is in the herbal medicine. Western people maybe don’t believe.

Spiritual energy
In China we sometimes cure patients with only a cup of water, because your spirits are in the water. They drink it and get better. The Chinese believe it, but in the West it is difficult.
The same time when I talk with people, I can cure 3 people that are behind me on about 10 meter. In the Western society they never know.
That is why, we have to exchange, that is why I am here. The Western society needs a good health, good spirits, needs a happy life. As a good doctor you have to give knowledge and a life philosophy, life behaviour. And I use my light, we call that light because people are in the dark, to make people happy, to come up, not live a depressive life. That is very important.
A patient had aggressive colleges, the man was very weak, because he got bad emotions from the people. When he came to chi gong I immediately know something was wrong in his liver.

Emotions can make you die
Please don’t forget, the emotions cause cancer, make you die.
Because of bad spirits, the anger comes to your liver, you take in, then you get very sick. When you go to the hospital, the machines cannot find anything. Bad energy in the liver, bad emotions, anger in the liver. In our medicine we know this is a very strong disease. Emotions make that the liver goes wrong, some people get depressive, for some people the stomach produces gas that cannot come out. When they keep it inside it goes to the stomach and they cannot eat, cannot sleep. It makes you crazy .This is a bad cause for diseases.
I give herbal medicine to open the meridians, to open the energy system, let the gas, anger, bad spirits, bad emotions come out . If it doesn’t come out, the people become very sick and can die from it. A lot of cancer is caused by emotions

All the energy to the patients
Also as a good doctor you have to treat your patients like your family members. For me I cannot have a family, if you only focus on your own family, on your own life you don’t have the energy to give to your patients. Even if I sleep I think and send energy to my patients and also think about my herbs, if it is all right, because the body is very complicated, hot and cold, dry and water, they are mixed together.
The upper side of the body can be hot, the lower part is cold. Hot and cold can be mixed. When you give herbs, you have to be 100% sure that you did it right. A lot of time you are still thinking, try to give energy to your patient because you wish that the patient quickly recovers.
Also as a good doctor when you treat a patient, because of your energy gift you take the patients bacteria, emotions, bad spirits negative stuff into your body. That is why a lot of time I get sick. This is a kind of sacrifice, so you sacrifice for the patient.
You make them better, give positive energy and a good spirit. You learn to take out the patients bad spirits, bad energy. You use your light to make the patient in a good condition. This kind of sacrifice, not so many people know.
The doctor’s job is not easy
