Sheer Chance

I think, therefore I am. - René Descartes
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Often heard of people saying that the chance to win a lottery is even more slim than being struck by a lightening, to emphasize the impossibility of either, being hit by a lightening or wining a lottery, let alone to have both, even more so to have both in a close time range.

But, it was just last week, according to the Associated Press, that a Michigan />/>teenager girl won a $20 lottery after she was struck by a lightening and survived it a few days earlier. What a chance!!! To say she is lucky, or unlucky - depends on how you take it, is absolutely a understatement. Guess it would be even more dramatic if she won more. : )))

The message of this news? Nothing on this planet is impossible.

edrifter 发表评论于

That was a good one! :)) You've got that right.

But, the catch is: the lightening only knocked the girl out and caused little demage that was recovered in a couple of days. So, that's her lucky part followed by the lottery wining. If she's got killed by the lightening, or even less than that but worse than just being burned, that will be a different story. - I would take the loss of $20, too, even much more than that. :))

Have a great weekend!

melly 发表评论于
I'd rather lose 20usd than being hit by a lightening. Isn't it terrible?

If she won $20million, I would call it luck. :))