1.不要哭? 我说想哭就哭, 为了哭完了接着笑.再说眼泪是毒素,放了有益长寿.
2.无法预测? come on, 多数时候我们有强烈的预感.
3.无法控制? come on, 理智是干什么用的?
4.willing to settle for the second best, 同意.玉碎瓦全什么的不对!!
YX, 不知你说什么,却懂你说什么.因为you are not alone. 情绪也回有反复,没事,归根到底生命是礼物,经历都是礼物.
盈袖2006 发表评论于
浦江客 发表评论于
我们寻求的永远是激情,但你无法控制预测激情的来去。激情没来的时候不要急,来的时候不要怕,走的时候不要哭。Live life to its fullest when you have choices, and willing to settle for the second best when you have no choice.
盈袖2006 发表评论于
回复feile的评论: I hope it can be that easy and naturally. Thanks for your kind words.
No doubt, you are a very outstanding lady, there are so many we can learn from you. If you could stay with your daughter, she will keep you life busy and I believe she will also find Mr. Right for you.
We do not need 浓烈 at this age anymore, we had that in our 20s, 30s, I guess we need 平平淡淡, true love. Again, true love will come to you - 暮然回手...