贴几张老公父辈的旧照片热闹一下吧,看过的姐妹就不用看了。 (图)

千情百感越过已逝的流年, 把我们带回当初的起点.
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                                            Dumpling's great grandfather

Dumpling's grandfather
Image Hosting by PictureTrail.com Dumpling's father

This is what was written in his year book,(source from West Point Military Academy Archive)
"Speed was a cadet who believed in using his head, both against the Academic Board, and a soccer ball. Academics were never a problem and he enjoying baffling P's with new and unheard of solutions. A bright smile is one of his trademarks, and he's ll always be remembered as a man ready with a cheery word."
He retired as a Rocket Scientist in Alabama.

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