回复美好时光的评论: 太狗血了??? first seen it. what does that mean? can you explain that? too bloody?
美好时光 发表评论于
南山松 发表评论于
探长的新衣服我喜欢 :)--zt
jwayne_1 发表评论于
原谅一次可以,没有第二次。 once is okay, twice shame on you, thrice will not happen.
明亮 发表评论于
嗯,是啊,一般是这样的,“cheated once,shame on you, cheated twice, shame on me.”可如果亲人之间,有这样的为难和伤害就真很难翻过去。我还得仔细自己看看书才好体会一下。多谢补充解释。
两只黄鹂 发表评论于
1st, Hassan was told to do so, we never know what he thought in heart.
Even if he forgave Hassan, it is not because he believed Amir but he knew Amir can't fight against the race discrimination.
I believe Amir did hurt their friendship and Hassan then became a servant not a freind to Amir.
2nd, after he being framed, he and Amir went in the different way.
3rd, For me, it is a different story. I didn't know who betrayed me so much and I wouln't gave anyone a 2nd chance to do so.
Cheated me twice, shame on me. hehe
明亮 发表评论于
两只黄鹂 发表评论于
Actually I read it long time ago.
But I still remembered a few plots.
After Kite Fighting and being raped, Hassan was sick and tried to avoid Amir for a time. Because he saw Amir being there and watching him being raped.
And then he was told to forgive Amir and then Amir framed him to be a theft. I believe there was one guy knew the whole thing but he didn't blame Amir.
The war and the life he lived in America changed Amir. He began to realize what he cherished and what he did wrong before.
So the story started from a scene which he and Hassan was
good friends, doing things together, talking and sharing.
The class/race discriminate was a very important issue in Afghan at that time.
Though they were good friends, Amir and Hassan came from different classes/races.
Assef, who raped Hassan, accused Amir of making friends with Hassan, claimed it was a shame of Afghan who let Hazara live in the country.
Even Amir's father, who was a nice guy, thought Amir was not manly enough, which implied that he was influenced by Hassan.
Hazara was accused of stupid, shameless, too weak, an inferior race.
Amir, although enjoyed Hassan's friendship, also blamed Hassan's weak not defencding himself.
That's why he broke the friendship with Hassan.
He won the love and respect within his race by betraying Hassan.
At that time, he thought he did the right thing--tobe a man, a noble4 man.
Later on, he was haunted by the guilt of betraying Hassan.
Because he knew he was the guy not brave enough to defend his friend Hassan. He stole everything from Hassan(love, respect...).
He fought for Hassan's son to save his guilt and found the peace in America.
---Well, the last piece is the way to win the love of American reader, haha.
graceusa 发表评论于
The kite runner. Movie.
关于炮灰的问题,我是这么看的,只有无怨无悔的爱一个人,才可能心甘情愿成为他的炮灰,因为成为炮灰是可悲的下场,所以永远也不要无怨无悔的爱谁,要象艾米说的那样,无论对什么,都存个疑,还该象sex&city里samantha说的那样,I love you, but I love myself more. 这样才不会沦为悲剧。
jwayne_1 发表评论于
i will avoid this novel then. thanks for the warning :)
闲人忙人 发表评论于
正在看英文的(去年#1 New York Times Bestseller),很吸引人,等看完了再来看书评吧,免得先入为主了。无名写过一个书评的。电影去年就拍了,还得了某个奥斯卡提名呢,要不明亮你再写个影评吧,这个你擅长的。