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女儿昨天把学校的账单打印出来交给老爸,一个学期11K。有点不自在地看着老爸:“Dad, what option do you want to choose to pay? Do you think you can handle this?”

老爸只好说:“The worst scenario is that I sell our house. So don't worry, I can handle it.”

“But, dad, I don't want to see you lower your life style to pay my college bill. I can get some loan by myself.”

老爸知道说教女儿的机会来了:“Don't worry. Dad and mom will do our best. You need to do your best in college. See, there is a reason behind the big money--the better future after college. So you need to work hard for your own future. Dad and mom can only support you financially. You have to take care of the rest.”

“I know. I know.... Dad, could you please send me this wweekend to the shopping mall. I'd like to go shopping with my friends to buy something.”女儿求老爸。

“What's your budget? ”

“300 bucks, one week of my earning....”



