late talkers

Put down some words to keep the track of my life.
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I was too passionate. I was really stressed out when my wife kept this subject for such a long time. She did not believe me because I am not a board certified pediatric. I had lots of curbside consults with neurologist or pediatrics in the hospital about it. Well I learned something from them. We acutally go to a different pediatric who is not my collegue so she can give us fair judgement. After I have seen so many real autistic kids during speech therapy, I was sure mine was not. It is apparent, because they do lack of social interaction which is the key component of autism. Now it is interesting that there is a phenomenon that sometimes boys do talk late. There was a book called Einstein Syndrom which well described it. Lots of people in this forum experienced it. These kids just talk less words than their peers, especially comparing to girls. No other dysfunctions noted, with normal hearing, normal social skills, nomal motor skills,etc. Maybe some mild bizaar abnormality , like repetitive motions, stuttering, outstanding memory, big fat tongue, etc. It is not exact like apraxia of speech, but similar. I do not know what it is. But the good thing is they usually grow out of it. At the age of 4, they catch up with their peers. Maybe this is how their brain, their neurons are developing. When time comes, their fine motor skills formed, then they can perform actually very complexed activity: speech. This is my guess, no scientific support.

Every human being is different and human body is complexed, especially human brain. You can choose whatever you believe. As a doctor, I was confused, let alone the lay person. I am not the expert on this topic. But I have strong opinion towards fake experts who do nothing but stiring things up. You can talk about lead, vaccine, vitamines, glutnin, mercury, herpes, detergent,...etc. So you will choose to get chicken pox, measles over autism? Fine, go for it.
