怀孕的妇女,在第一次的检查的时候,就应该筛查乙肝。如果确认是阳性的,出生的婴儿立即给免疫球蛋白然后接种疫苗。只要出生后婴儿及时接种疫苗,羊水穿刺,剖腹产,母乳喂养并不提高婴儿感染乙肝的几率。WHO推广Universal HBV vaccination of all new borns,台湾做得很好,他们的肝癌率已经开始明显下降。中国的情况还是不容乐观。
punny, you are welcome.:)
appleflower, i guess the policy is really different, partly because the incidence might be different.
dadaland,其实没有健康携带者这个概念的,所有的携带者,都应该定期检查肝功能。best wish to your friend.
Hepatitis B virus is not spread by sharing eating utensils, breastfeeding, hugging, kissing, holding hands, coughing, or sneezing. Unlike hepatitis A, it is not spread routinely through food or water. However, there have been times hepatitis B has been spread to babies when they have received food pre-chewed by an infected person.
Not sure if the rules are the same in Canada and US. In Canada, physicians that are Hepatitis B carriers are only allowed to work in certain specialties that do not have contact with patients, such as pathology. Everyone here who is accepted in the medical school is given hepatitis B and C screening right away, and if found to be a carrier, the student will receive "modified training" and career counselling.
punny 发表评论于
谢谢落花普及知识 :)
xux 发表评论于
谢谢落花好贴以及回答我前面的问题。我去年因为可能要去印度出差,急着打了3次甲/乙肝疫苗 (hep A/B twin shots, 2 weeks apart)。Passport Health 的人嘱咐我今年要去打第4次才能完全免疫。我偷懒没去。看样子应该没什么问题。
A dumb question. Why won't China vaccinate all new borns? Is it because of money or just politics?