July 4th, Friday Independant Day: Shopping, dining out, Redeo
7月4日 星期五, 美国独立日: 购物,外出晚餐,看Rodeo
Woke up late in the morning. Oops, don't want to delay the big plan for the day. Had egg, bacon and cheese sandwich for breakfast at home. Simple and easy then headed out to catch good deal in the shopping mall. I never get tired of shopping........
After shopping, it is time for dinner. Looked around, went in an American Cuisine restaurant. I had an American signature burgher with Swiss cheese. Food was good but the service was so slow. We were starting to get worry that we couldn't catch the Rodeo on time. Finally, here is the Rodeo.
糟糕,早上睡过头了。今天的计划可不能耽搁了。简单做了一顿煎蛋,bacon,芝士三明治早餐。好多家商场都有特别的 deal,出门去大抢购。说起购物,我的精神头十足。。。。。。
We are all ready for the National Anthem.

The real game has begun. Here is the Bare back horse riding. It is so exciting.

Look, these are one of the most beautiful animals on earth.

It is getting dark. But the games are getting more exciting. Here is the Stage Coach racing. After a glass of beer, I started to cheer laud with the people around me.

Rodeo was over then fireworks began. By the time we got home it was almost midnight. Got to have some sleep after all that excitement........
July 5th, Saturday: Trip to Bonneville Dam, dining out
7月5日 星期六,
Oops, over slept again. It was kind of cloudy that day. It is unusual this time of the year. Checked out the weather at beaches. It was raining. Definetely not the place I wanted to go. Well, let's go East and head out to Columbia Gorge: Bonneville Dam - the oldest dam in North America
Beautiful senic road along the Columbia River. Not very long, we arrived the oldest Dam in North America: Bonneville Dam. It was built in 1933. It only had two generators when it was built. Only one was operated because of the usage demand. It started to use both generators in 1941 after WWII started. Then it was added 8 more generators in 1980s. I forgot when they had buit another power house.
沿着美丽的哥伦比亚河一直向东走。没有很远,我们就到了北美最早的水力发电站, Bonneville水力发电站。Bonneville水力发电站建于1933年。当时仅有2台发电机。由于耗点量有限,只有一台发电机工作。直到1941年,二次世界大战开始,2台发电机才同时开始工作。到了八十年代,又添加了8台发电机,后来又建了第二个供点站。
Here is the Amy Corp. Engineer main building

Here is one of power houses. Don't remember it is the new one or the old one. Both of them are very similar.

Here is the part that backing up the water. The blade in below picture is the actual part of a generator.

Here is the interesting presentation of the water cycle & Electricity. It is a nice way to present to the people who has limited knowledge of how the energy was generated. Look the picture on the wall thru the glass will become a cartoon. It was really interesting.

This is a real deal: the generator. It is huge. We were lucky to see that one of the generators was getting maintenance.
这可是货真价实的东东:发电机。 我们很幸运,看到一台发电机正在维修保养。


Do you know what this is? The top is a motor. The bottom is a generator. Do you know the difference between the motor nad generator? I don't want to lecture you here.............. It is just fun to the real part of the machine.

Do you know what this is? It is an old or I should call it as Antique electric control system. I even couldn't recognize some of the words. We had so much to talk about. Next thing we knew, we were the only people left in the show room. The tour guide was waiting for us patiently.
猜猜这是什么?这是古老的Electric control system。可以说是古董了。好多词我都不认得。我们花了好多时间研究它。一转身,整个参观中心只剩下我们了。导游还在耐心地等我们。。。。。。

Here is an Antique hunting gun in early 1900s. Someone wanted this for his birthday. Yeah, right! Where am I going to find it?

Every spring, salmon goes back to columbia river to have next generation. In order to let fish go thru the dam, they had to build fish ladder. This is the place they counts how many fish come back to river each year.

Here are the fish passing by the fish ladder.

After visiting the Bonneville Dam, we visited Bonneville Fish Hatchery next door. The fish Hatchery was built in 1909. It has Sturgeon pond, rainbow trout viewing pond, etc..
Here is the Hermon Sturgeon in the Sturgeon viewing center (underwater viewing)
参观过电站,我们还参观了旁边的Bonneville Fish Hatchery 。这个Fish Hatchery 建于1909年。好大的Sturgeon .....这里不是做鱼子酱的地方,是育鱼苗的地方。

coming close........ It is huge.游近了,好大啊!

Here is the rainbow trout from the viewing pond. They are big! I thought it was Salmon. :-)

Okay, after viewing the gaint fish and feeding the trout, we were heading out home. The discussion of the hydrolic power and generator was continue on the way home.
Don't feel like to cook at all after the trip. Fish didn't sound good at all, of course. Then the agreement was the Mexican.
July 6th, Sunday BBQ at home
7月6日 星期天 在家烧烤
Can't help it. Had to sleep in in the morning because it was last morning in the weekend. Didn't want to go out at all. Had simple breakfast and did some yard work. Then, what's for dinner? Let's have BBQ spare ribs!
First, made my own dry rubs and BBQ sauce. Pork spare ribs was rubbed with dry seasonings I made. Wrapped tight and baked in the 275F oven for 2 hours. Then ready for BBQ on the grill with homemade BBQ sauce. Now the spare ribs are ready.
首先,配好抹的干佐料和烤肉酱。排骨抹上干佐料,用锡纸包好放入275F烤箱, 烤2小时。然后放如明火烤炉上边烤边刷烤肉酱。很快就烤好了。

Side dish 1: Pasta salad
I have posted few times already. Don't want to go any more details here.

Side dish 2: Sweet corn
They are from our garden from last year. So sweet!

Bread: Homemade corn bread
A lots of people know how to do it. I don't have to show you. But let me know if you need my recipe.

Here is my plate. 我的盘中

3 days weekend went by so fast. Tomorrow is a working day. Oh well, few days later, another weekend will be here again.