
Z.A的博客。由Z.A的Friend and Fans建立。小Z.A太懒了。。。
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来源: Z.A08-07-07 12:14:17


If all men must kneel,                                        要是所有老爷们儿都有膝盖软的时候,
I will wait for my turn                                           我就眼巴巴地等着啥时候轮到我
To kiss your queenly toe.                                  亲你那象国王他老婆是的脚指头
When you hold morning court                            你早上查考勤的时候
In cold air, broad-shouldered men,                   天倍儿冷,宽肩膀的傻小子们
Arms clanging,                                                  冻得穿着盔甲直哆嗦
See in your small lily hand                                把他们的命运和誓言
Their fate and woe.                                           让你在小胖手里扒拉来扒拉去
If you know my sorrow,                                        只要你晓得我心里有多难过
I will be the first to ride afield,                              我就比他们跑的都快
To uphold your honor and die                           跑到世界随便的那个基脚旮旯儿
In a corner of the world nameless and remote. 为保卫你的名声而玩儿命
Then my pale words will travel back,                 后来你听到有关我的谣言
Like a flower,                                                    就心花怒放了
To open inside you.
