中译英: One World One Dream

(One World One Dream) 中文: 原创远方

All directions we all are from / 我们来自五洲四海

Come to where the sun rises upon / 相聚太阳升起的东方

Bring our many years' hope along / 我们带着多年期待

Sing in chorus the Olympic songs / 齐声把奥运之歌唱响

Five-Ring Flags in wind are flying / 五环旗帜迎风飘扬

The eternal rays are shining / 放射出永恒的光芒

Open the new century's skylight / 打开新世纪的天窗

We spread our concord wings for a flight / 展开和谐的翅膀启航

The flaming Torch, is for each wish we've begun / 奥运圣火,点燃每一个希望

The Olympia, is passed to each place we've run / 奥运精神,传遍每一个地方

Excel ourselves, a life melody to write / 超越自我,谱写生命的乐章

Try all efforts, heart and dream fly as a kite / 奋力拼搏,心和梦一起飞翔

The Olympic, is a call for peace / 奥林匹克 和平的呼唤

The Olympic, is a bridge to please / 奥林匹克 友谊的桥梁

Hand in hand, we are standing higher / 手拉手 我们站得更高

Heart to heart, we have become stronger / 心连心 我们变得更强

One World One Dream

We live in one world, we will have one dream / 同一个世界 同一个梦想
