7/01/08 反弹终结,下跌继续

方显英雄本色-- 股市投资探讨
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 三大指数的 Future 都成大幅下跌形态,今天会是一个低开,低走的趋势。牛们应该在第一波下降后回弹时撤出,持币观望。

      这次反弹,的确比估计的要弱的多,形不成势。交易策略也要随之改变。Naz 会成为这一波的领跌指数。直到赶上 Dow and S&P, 并创新低。今天入场,只做 DT.  明天 Oil  库存报告,或引起回落,刺激大盘短期反冲,不得不防。

Take care.

westmouse 发表评论于
waveplayer has a bundle of fans. I am not the only one visiting his blog. thanks!
wavePlayer 发表评论于
回复3new的评论:It's short term bounce, if you are aggresive and discipline trader, yes, go ahead. But trade with causious.
3new 发表评论于
can I call appl@180 Aug for long position, and short@165,160 for short position?