SKF update (4) 7/24/08

方显英雄本色-- 股市投资探讨
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 Continue hold SKF  150 shrs.   SKF has good chance to go up to 150+ in near term.

Set up limit order to sell SKF at $150  GTC ( all 150 shrs)

We will see in next few days.

By today's  close price,  still lose $20/shr.  But it has significant improve from a few day ago. The cost new down to $150.

Trading Plan, there are two scenarios:

1.  SKF  go up to 150+  the sell order be filled, then we are out of trap.

2. SKF can not reach 150 in this up wave, then, I will sell 50 shrs bought at 114 and at same time sell 150c covered call on remaining shrs and wait for next chance.

Let's see what happen in next few days.

whiteoak 发表评论于


谢谢好心人! 好心有好报!