DT result

方显英雄本色-- 股市投资探讨
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Done with DT


POT  220 call in 2.6, 3.0 ( morning) out 5.2   100%,  and 73%

AAPL 185 call in 1.6 out  2.56   60%

Yesterday position:

QQQQ 45 puts in 0.78 out 1.02  30.7% gain

LEH 22.5 puts in 1.5 out  3.1 106% gain

LDK 30 puts in 0.8 out 1.45 80% gain

Rimm  110 puts in 1.6   Out 2.1   31% gain

Option Trading required to take action efficently and take profit quickly, Otherwise, your profit will become loss.