在图书馆的借书扫描机边上发现了一本书,封面上画了一列火车,书名"Little Puff",随便翻了一下,觉得豆豆会喜欢,于是把它借回家了。果不其然,豆豆非常喜欢这本书。他先自己把书翻了一遍,看到火车他就要念"Choo...
第一页是:See me, see the big
red me.
第二页是:I have three little
cars. One blue car, one yellow car and another one is a red car
Next Page: I do not like it here, nobody is here with me. Jump, jump, jump,
here I come, I am going out of here.
Next Page: Here I come Up, Up , Up, Up, Up
Next Page: Here I go down, down, down, down, down
Next Page: Oh my, you cannot come in here, you cannot do this, go away, away!
Oh my, 你不可以进来市区,你不可以这样,走开!走开!
Next Page: Oh no, this will not work, you don't belong to here. What is this?
What is this? Get out of here. Go away! Go away! (Puff went to a farm. All the
animals were on little puff and checking out on it.)
Next Page: Nobody wants me, where can I stay? Where can I go now?
Next Page: This looks like fun. I will go in there and see. (Puff entered the
我教豆豆认zoo, 动物园
Next Page: Oh, this one is really big, big, big (Puff saw an elephant)
Next Page: Oh, this is a tall one. Look up, up, up, this is a tall one. It has
spots on its body (Puff saw a giraffe)
Next Page: Oh, Oh, I like these little ones, this little ones knows how to play
(Puff saw two monkeys hanging on the tree trucks)
Oh, Oh, 这个动物真会玩,我喜欢这个小东西(这是什么?猴子)
Next Page: Oh, look at this, the little one is with the mother, I like the
little one (Puff saw a tiger with her pup)
Oh, 我喜欢这个小家伙,他和妈妈在一起(这是什么?老虎!)
Next Page: Little Puff, come here come here. Help, help, you can help us out.
We can ride on you. (Kids in zoo ask little puff to help them out)
Next Page: Come on, ride on me, ride on me, I like to work for you. What fun!
What fun! (Puff gave ride to the kids)
Last Page: I like it here, this is the spot for me.