20 Funniest Newspaper Headlines ever
![](http://www.oddee.com/_media/imgs/articles/a213_n1.jpg) What goes around, comes around! Click the pic to read the article online
![](http://www.oddee.com/_media/imgs/articles/a213_n4.jpg) Civil War planes? Let me know how that works out...
![](http://www.oddee.com/_media/imgs/articles/a213_n5.jpg) Must be one of those celebrity-without-makeup pictures...
![](http://www.oddee.com/_media/imgs/articles/a213_n6.jpg) And you wonder why...
![](http://www.oddee.com/_media/imgs/articles/a213_n8.jpg) Yeah, don't you hate those guys at DOE who do the NEPA's EIS on BNFL's AMWTP at INEEL after SRA protests?
![](http://www.oddee.com/_media/imgs/articles/a213_n9.jpg) "This is an artist's conception of the Mount Pleasant High School football field Friday after an electrical transformer blew, knocking out the stadium lights."
![](http://www.oddee.com/_media/imgs/articles/a213_n10.jpg) "We had no idea anyone was buried there"
![](http://www.oddee.com/_media/imgs/articles/a213_n11.jpg) "I wouldn't do it again" says the hero, "she's been a pain this week"
![](http://www.oddee.com/_media/imgs/articles/a213_n14.jpg) Please, if you've seen this man...
![](http://www.oddee.com/_media/imgs/articles/a213_n15.jpg) What are the odds of that?
![](http://www.oddee.com/_media/imgs/articles/a213_n18.jpg) Mistress of the universe... Now that sounds like a lot of work!
![](http://www.oddee.com/_media/imgs/articles/a213_n19.jpg) Here's the winner of a local dog look-alike contest... He does look exactly like his dog!
![](http://www.oddee.com/_media/imgs/articles/a213_n20.jpg) Ok, that's just mean