先跑老师范美忠接受媒体采访。本报记者 张沫 摄(京华时报图)
在网上见到过关于对范美忠“事迹”的评论,但少见他本人的反应。今天,美国国家广播电台报导了国内对此事的反应,并对范美忠做了专访,听了倒觉得确有值得思索的地方。他的做法,究竟是受言论自由保护的对自己出于本能的反应的记录,还是如教育部负责人指责的无耻行为,抑或是可以原谅的,或是over-expressed 言论自由。他敢于指责教育部对地震中倒塌的学校不承担责任的行为实属无耻的勇气,倒是有点不符合有些人给他的中国“biggest coward”的称号。
摘自人民网,2008-06-07 02:30:04,(北京)(详见下文)
NPRAll Things Considered, July 14, 2008
Chinese teacher Fan Meizhong woke upone morning to discover he had become the most hated man in
While his actions during the quakedidn't result in any deaths, his post kicked off a chain of events that hasleft this antihero looking almost heroic.
The man labeled
But almost everybody agrees on onething: His downfall was his honesty.
Fan Meizhong was teaching aChinese-language class in a school when the earthquake happened. This summaryfrom his blog, written 10 days after the quake, describes what he did next.
"I ran as fast as I could, almost on all fours, to the soccerfield. Then I realized I was the first person to make it there. I'm not braveenough to sacrifice myself for others. I care only about my own life. I canonly imagine sacrificing myself for my baby daughter. I wouldn't think about itfor anyone else, not even my mother."
"I just wanted to leave a trueaccount of what happened during this extraordinary experience in my life,"he says about why he wrote the post. "I was very dissatisfied with thenarrative of sacrifice and emotional upheaval in the mass media. I felt thiswas a false construct, which obscured what really happened."
Runner Fan
To many, this seemed like an excuse.The blogosphere went wild, christening him "Runner Fan," or "FanPao Pao" in Chinese.
"Runner Fan runs and runs andruns" is part of a verse from a satirical song. "He's a strange man;he pretends he loves doing whatever he wants. But he doesn't even love hismother or father. When he runs, he runs faster than a rabbit."
"When I saw my mother, shedidn't mind what I said," Fan says. "She thinks I've always been goodto her. And she said if such a thing did happen, it would be right to save mydaughter."
As the satirical songs blossomed, sotoo did the criticism. Many felt Fan had violated a Chinese code of ethics ùboth as a teacher who abandoned his students, and as a son who openly said hewould not sacrifice himself for his mother.
Fired For 'Speaking Improperly'
A widely watched live televisiondebate followed. This quickly descended into farce with Fan and his opponentaccusing each other of idiocy.
Then Fan was fired, not for runningout on his students, but for "speaking improperly." He says thisdidn't surprise him.
"I expected this result, but Istill had to write this essay," Fan says. "I couldn't give up myfreedom of speech and expression because of the possible consequences of myactions."
One reason he was not surprised wasthat he had already been fired three times for talking about taboo politicaltopics in class. This time, he is preparing to launch a lawsuit.
But the saga still wasn't over.
The next twist came when theeducation ministry changed its code of ethics, requiring teachers to beresponsible for the safety of their students.
Upon releasing this, an educationministry official criticized Fan as shameless, which made him feel like ascapegoat.
"I think the education ministryare really the shameless ones," Fan says. "Twenty thousand studentsdied in the earthquake. That wasn't because teachers didn't save people, butbecause the buildings were disgracefully weak. Why don't they blame themselvesas shameless, instead of blaming a teacher whose actions didn't cost anylives?"
'An Honest And Brave Man'
At his former school, Guangya IBschool near Dujiangyan, two enormous red stone doves flank the gates. Engravedon them are the values prized by the school: honesty, universal love, diligenceand bravery. There's much sympathy for him here.
Long Yushan, 10, says sheunderstands Fan's behavior. Her teacher at another school also fled. But herclass forgave him, she says, because everyone is human.
English teacher Li Min says the mobmentality reminded her of darker periods of Chinese history, like the CulturalRevolution.
"Fan Pao Pao just saidsomething not quite proper, but he was telling the truth. So he didn't commit somecrime," Li says.
And so it seems the tide of publicopinion is turning. Almost 60 percent of people in one survey found Fan to bean honest and brave man.
One of the most perceptive, andperhaps saddest, comments on the saga came ù as so much else does ù from theInternet.
One blogger summed it up, saying,"He overexercised his freedom of speech."
2008-06-07 02:30:04 来源: 人民网(北京) 网友评论 12679 条 点击查看
* 核心提示:都江堰一名教师在网上发帖详述自己在地震中弃学生而逃的经历,得名“范跑跑”,并被众多网友斥责。昨日,“范跑跑”在北京向情感上受到伤害的网友公开道歉,但他同时声明这并不代表他向他的观点道歉,他仍然坚持自己的言论并无不妥。
先跑老师范美忠接受媒体采访。本报记者 张沫 摄(京华时报图)
人民网6月7日报道 昨天,因发表博客文章讲述自己在地震时不顾学生逃生的四川省都江堰光亚学校教师范美忠,在来京参加一期电视节目时,字斟句酌地向学生、校长和公众道歉。此前,范美忠在网络上遭遇公众的口诛笔伐,被网友戏称为“范跑跑”。此次他虽然表示了歉意,但仍然坚持自己的言论并无不妥,逃生的行为也属于本能,不应受到公众的批判。