Report to mychina: We don't meet your standards for 豪宅(图)

We are five items short, we really need to work on it.

1) 豪宅一定要有超过五个的卫生间。(一个卫生间、一个半卫生间或者拥有五个座便以上的公共厕所不在豪宅范围之内。)
Ok, we have 7, actually 6 and 1/2 because the powder room is 1/2.

2) 豪宅一定要有三个以上的车库。(单车库、双车库或者将车停在 Drive-way 上的房子不能称为豪宅.
We have a 3 and plus car garage. The plus is like half car extra space.

3) 豪宅一定有六个以上的卧室。(一个卧室、两个卧室或者由书房临时改装的卧室不能算作豪宅。)
We barely meet this one. We have six bedrooms, but one is now becoming kids playroom and one is used as a second media room.

4) 豪宅一定要兼有游泳池和 Jacuzzi. (单有小游泳池的房子或者只有 Jacuzzi 而没有游泳池的房子也不能算做豪宅。)
Fine we have that

5) 豪宅一定要有20,000呎以上的院子。(Apartment的那种公用的 20,000 呎的院子不可以计算在内。)
Ok, the lot of our house is 0.71 acres, so we meet the standard.

6) 豪宅里要有武器。(不服的话可以起诉我。)
We don't have any except my son's toy gun. LOL

7) 豪宅要有自己 private 的 Drive-way 和 Gate. (Optional, 根据地区和地形而不同, Gated community 里面所有的房子都不可以计算在豪宅之内。)
Private drive-way, yes. Gate, NO, but it's optional.

8) 豪宅要有很大的厨房,而且厨房里面一定要有 Island. ( 没有 island 的厨房已经被 David 列在非豪宅厨房之列。)
We meet.

9) 豪宅里面一定要有一个 Entertainment Center.
We have that, one very professional home theater, and one causal media room done by DIY.

10) 豪宅至少要有两个以上的壁炉。(以供每年圣诞节期间来自北欧的圣诞老人有出入方便的选择。)
Hahaha, we just have two. And one is double side.

11) 豪宅至少要有两层以上。(一层的房子即使具备了其他条件也不能称为豪宅,而且,一层加上 Basement 的那一层地下也不能算作豪宅。)
Yes ours is two story.

12) 豪宅要有四个以上的 Trash Can. (少于四个Trash Can 说明主人很少开 Party, 豪宅不开 Party 就不是豪宅了。)
Hahaha, we actually have 9, but many are very small.

13) 豪宅要有 Security System. (各式各样的锁头不计算在 Security System 之内.)
We have.

14) 豪宅要有 Gardening Specialist 的专业服务。如果主人自己充当园艺师的话,豪宅就降级成了 House。
We have contract with professional landscaping service company.

15) 住豪宅的人不能开日本车、韩国车或者法国车、也不能开 Yugo,QQ,或者吉利任何年份和款式的汽车。
Well, my wife's car is Japanese made, but mine is made in Switzerland.

16) 豪宅里面一定要有仆人。(男女均可,但是岳父岳母丈母娘老丈杆子不能算做仆人。)
We definitely don't have any.

17) 衡量豪宅的标准不能单一以价格计算。如果单以价格计算,在纽约一千万也不一定能够装备一个豪宅而在 Oklahoma 的乡下20万美元就可以买一幢豪宅。Location, location, location!

18) 豪宅要有一个网球场或者是篮球场。(Optional)
We don't have, but it's optional and we can actually get one in our backyard.

19) 豪宅要有 Green House。 (Optional)
No, we don't have one.

20) 豪宅里面要有钢琴、名画和古董。
No, we don't have any of these.

HenryLi 发表评论于
To Lustgarten:
No I was actually joking in this post. Try to have some fun.
I am a dermatopathologist (skin pathologist). My wife is a housewife now (since 2005). But she is a MBA and CPA. She was from Beijing.
Lustgarten 发表评论于
You are a very serious person! Love your kids' play room very much!!!! Please satisfy my curiosity, what do you do for living? And your wife? I know you from the GusGuohunYin forum. Where is your wife from?