今晚受邀出席为入选“龙汇一百”的三位青年领袖践行。他们将与全美其他三十二位青年领袖一起赴香港参加全球青年领袖论坛。每年香港“龙传基金 ” 会从世界各地选拔一百位华裔青年领袖参加此论坛,探讨世界议题,加强相互交流。然后便会回中国参访,了解祖国建设的进程,加强对中华文明的认知和对祖国的归属感。他们分别是休斯顿联合校友会会长,莱斯大学音乐系硕士毕业的高才生顾洁娜, UT 奥斯汀分校的许胜楠和刘文君。
我们作为两个母亲的孩子,要既爱生母,也爱养母。当两位“母亲”起争执的时候,我们要学会调停,而不是做艰难的选边。但要做到这一点又谈何容易? 生母与我们血肉相连,与我们容易互相理解,永远也不会抛弃我们。但养母可能就不会有这层深厚的纽带般的感情,在挫折中容易起猜疑之心,不信任感。这就需要我们更加努力的与养母的其他族裔的孩子和睦相处,积极争取融入其政治体系,参政议政,而不是自我边缘化,然后抱怨其他“兄弟姐妹不爱你,养母不疼你”,当养母的孩子们忙着选“家长 --- 总统”的时候,你却连投票都不去,更别奢谈自己参选,这样又如何让其他兄弟了解你的心情和需求呢?到最后,一旦你有什么事,又有谁会来管你呢?当 PARTY 正热闹的时候,如果你不是与大家一起在中心共舞,很快,你就会发现自己在舞会的圈子外面,黯然神伤,孤独离去了。
美国确实存在对华裔的“玻璃天花板”,但如果我们多几个像骆家辉州长,吴大卫国会议员,赵小兰劳工部长这样的华裔积极参政,这个天花板是指日可破的,因为它既然是玻璃的,它本身就是易碎品。只是我们太胆小了,或许干脆不感兴趣去打破它,呆在“ Comfort Zone ( 舒服区 ) ”不愿冒险,怕玻璃渣刺破自己的拳头。其实,冲破这层天花板后,你会看到外面更大的世界,了解更多的游戏规则,然后参与进去,这样才能成为一个真正的 BIG PLAYER 。(完)
wiserman 发表评论于
1] 用美国,中国比做:养母,生母成极不适当.想一下就知道.
2] 妳若出来选美国总统,我们都支持妳!
3]往事回忆:1992年Clinton与 Bush对垒,起初双方僵持不相上下,我打个电话到Clinton竞选总部,跟他的竞选经理谈了50 分钟,告诉她,"Now people think that Clington and Bush are all the same and we don't know whom to vote for...I believe that you need to let people know "We are going to make a difference!" (Regan's 8 years and Bush’s 4 years...Total 12 years Republic presidency)
他们反应的很快,真的很快的就大力的声明:"We are going to make a difference!" 也许、就因此Clinton把Bush打败。
丹奇:俺支持你所说“喜莱莉是最有资格当选的候选人”,但她为何没有当选呢?只能说明美国的Political system doesn't work at all!这种曾经自傲于世界的“最佳普选制度”已经完全异化了,原因在于自小不实开始,美国以及全世界已经出现了政客这一行业的进一步职业分工,即出现了一批会竞选、不会管理的职业“选举家”。这批人对竞选门儿清,但对管理不通。台湾的陈水扁就是一个超级典型。奥巴马是最新的一位,很会选举,但管理经验一概阙如。如当选总统会把美国领向何方?没人知道。因为在竞选中说过的话可以一概不作数。所以俺的预测是,如果奥巴马不选喜莱莉当running mate,美国将在经过两次选举的分裂状况50/50之后,再次迎来一个新的4年50/50!而受苦的不仅是美国人民,还有全世界没有美国总统选举权的人们。走着瞧吧。
Bali 发表评论于
Danchi, no need to apologise. You didn't make me uncomfortable at all. I understand "motherland" is a common term. I understand what you were trying to say.
Call "motherland" and "adopted country" is the way how main stream talking about in their words when mentioning new immigrants, not my invention. Please don't be tortured by this term, if I know it bothers you too much, I won't use that metaphor, I woulnd't want to make people uneasy about my article. Too late to change the term now, please accept my apology.
Bali 发表评论于
Danchi, I see what you are trying to encourage. You have a point. Peronsally I find the term too sentimental, rightly or wrongly. Mothers' love is unconditional. Does any country give us unconditional love? No because country is a machine, a poltical machine. The only unconditional love come from our own mothers and mother nature. Or if we really want to stretch it, maybe mother Teresa, God.....
丹奇 发表评论于
Hillary didn't lose in my view. She withdrew from the campaign because of the pressure from the party. she won the popular vote, but she didn't have enough delegates. It is very tricky here. Most people didn't go to the caucus, you won't understand why she got most popular vote but lost delegates, it's another debate.
She didn't lose because she assulted China, if that is the case, I should be happy that at least Chinese Americans are playing big part in this game to make her lose, however, the majority of Chinese Americans voted for her in this campaign, that means something different.
Hillary, like many other politician, couldn't evade China topics when it comes to facing the middle class workers in the heavy hitted area to attract more votes at the later phase of the game. It hurts many Chinese Americans who supported her, I was hurt too, however, we need to put her in a bigger picture. She was running for US President, she need to say the words those middle class like to hear, to please them, to get their vote. Everybody is trying to please their voters, the trick is how to please different voters without losing their sides? "Issues" are the most important suit more voters,that's why they campaign to get their message out.
If she can be elected, she can change her mind easily to be friendly with China again like President Clinton and Bush. Because, China is such an important partner in the internatinoal relations. All the passed Presidents who had to play "China" card in their campaign, were the best presidents to China after elected.
Even though I tried to advise her not to touch China topics through Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee during the campaign. However, sometimes, when she thinks it is needed, it's up to her to make the decision. We can't make decision for her. It's her running, not us.
This is just a political game. If you stay above the game, get to know the rules of the game, learn how to play the game, you can become a good and big player yourself----That's my point. But thank you for your input.
I hope people won't get mad if we "argue” in English in Wenxue City. In fact, I love to write in English, because my Chinese typing skill tortures me. I could write more in English than in Chinese with my current input method. I had to use "pinyin" to spell the word out, then pick from a whole bunch of similar words. Very time consuming.
I love the arguement my article brought up here. Thanks for the participation---"got involved".
This is also a political process. Everyday, we are involved in politics, where you like my article, or don't like me taking photos with Hillary, or decided to participate in the discuss, you are already a political player, right now in Wenxue City. "Who, when, and how to get things done" is "Politics".
I can go on and on and on. Sorry, have to stop here , I am going into another artile.
丹奇 发表评论于
Do you call China motherland? I do. My whole point in this article is to encourage more Chinese Americans (why we are called Chinese Americans here?) to get involved in Americans political process, to join the big Party,"dance" with main stream (here main stream is the majority of the society) in it's main activity (election). You can call anything you want, but I just called the way I feel like to. Hope you won't mind.
丹奇 发表评论于
The relationships between the two countries can be described as Motherland, Homeland, home country, or adopted country. You can describe it in another way. I won't be mad.
I was just trying to encourage more people to get involved in American's political process. It doesn't matter how you call the relationships between the two countries, it matters if you go out to get involved in its political "process". I like the way how they call "Process", a perfect way to describe how Americans "process" their "election" through campaign. Do you agree?
diane5400 发表评论于
shao1234 发表评论于
I agree with you on the "dirty politics". But one thing you said is wrong. In fact, Hillary was the one who was assaulting China more aggressively, not Obama. That's why she lost.
Bali 发表评论于
My two mothers are my own biological mother and mother nature. Mothers' love is unconditional. I wouldn't want to call anyone else mother.
“主流”根据我的理解就是"最大多数---majority, main society". 而不是”上流”社会。许多人误会主流为上流。当大多数美国人民都在积极投票选举总统的时候,就是主流社会的主流活动。用我们自己的话说就是“大集体”。我们加入主流就是加入到这个“大集体”, “众人拾柴火焰高”就是这里要说的主流活动。
你说: "If you love china so much, why not stay in china for better or worse??, Nobody really invite you to live here. Hypocrite and misleading."
Patriotism is a narrow and abstract concept. Unfortunately it has always been easily used by politicians around world as a tool to manipulate their people to sacrifice their lives to achieve the political purposes. Hitler did it, Stalin did it, Mao zedong did it, George w. Bush did it as we all know. If you are interested in politics, it is understandable to explore this area. But, A good politician for the future should stand above the cultures and even countries(states?), play less patriotism because less and less people will believe it.
青花 发表评论于
blackmatter 发表评论于
1. All the insults and personal attacks go straight back to you instantly!!
2. You obviously did not understand my previous comments due to your very limited intelligence.
元好问 发表评论于
Question to "blackmatter", who invited you into this "wenxue city" if you donot love some here ? Why don't you stay in your house forever, don't come out? You wonder around the streets and neibourhoods just because you don't love your mother or hate your family ? Big "Hypocrite" and "Moooorrooonnn" !!!!
柏拉图说过,“拒絕參與政治的懲罰之一就是結果被比你差的人所統治 ”〔 One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. ---Plato
Thank you for the reminder. My fault, yes 35, I was saying 18 year of age can vote, but I mingle two sentence. I am correcting it now. Salute!
xiya 发表评论于
35 years old is the minimun age for president. Not 18.