Zara 的质量问题/ zara's quality problem

I am a big Zara fan,but recently Zara really disapoints me.

最近买了一件它家的top 试的时候觉得好像左边比右边长.当时没注意,调整一下又好了.回家后觉得怎么都 not right. 左查又查才发现以便比另一边长2 厘米! 又是 不退不换. 只好又花了2 小时在sewing machine

这是我第二次发现它加重大质量问题. 上次买了一件原价的上衣. 回来后发现总是向一边斜, 开始还怀疑是不是自己肩膀问题, 后来发现是一边肩带钉歪了..

Not sure whether others had the similar issues. It is just a reminder to everyone. Be super careful when you buy Zara and make sure it looks right the first time you try it on.
