ZT: Yinu:We visited 田牛妈妈 tonight!

To all the people who care about田牛妈妈:

5 of us from WXC (Ranch99, 瓜, Dujuan, Yinu and her husband) met in front of Vons at Carmel Creek (San Diego), signed our ‘Get Well Soon’ card and visited 田牛妈妈 tonight at 6:30(July 23, 2008). We also met two sisters from local church at 田牛妈妈’s. Initially, we only planned to stay for half an hour. However, when we realized that our visit lightened up 田牛妈妈’s face, we decided to stay longer.

田牛爸爸briefly talked about the medical experience(misdiagnosis and delay in US and surgery in China) 田牛妈妈 has had experienced in the past two years. It is so heart-breaking to when田牛妈妈 showed us the huge scar (stretching from lower chest all the way to her lower abdomen) resulted from two surgeries. Several of us could not help but sobbing... She is also extremely skinny/bonny. I can not describe in words how sad we felt.

When mentioned surgeries, 田牛爸爸 told us with tears, all the doctors and nurses knew that she was the bravest one in surgery section of that hospital. 田牛妈妈 was very strong(inside) and positive. She said ‘I walked to the operation room myself and asked the doctor to suture the opening as nicely as possible’ (so that it would not look so bad when she has a chance to wear swim suit in the future... wish she can get well enough to enjoy the little pond in her apartment ...).

If I did not meet her in person, I would never imagine such a fragile lady like her has endured the pain of two major surgeries and been trying her best to survive the torture of chemo therapy. I think what have encouraged her to keep on fighting for her life are the power of love - the love from her family and from all of people who care about her, and the responsibilities of being a mother, a daughter, a sister and a wife. She mentioned to me that when she post her goodbye letter on the forum few days ago, she wanted to tell sisters and brothers that ”牛牛 has a big 青痣 on his hand. One day, if you happen to see a boy with big 青痣(after I am gone), he is my牛牛, please take care of him for me...”. She broke-down and told me that she felt so guilty for not being able to spending time with牛牛 and not able to take care of him in the future...

Some people have doubted the truthfulness of田牛妈妈’s story and posted unpleasant word on the forum. These posts have affected田牛妈妈 negatively. She’s very upset when she mentioned this. What I want to say to those people is that please be kind to a mom, a sister, a daughter, a wife who is fighting for her life and for the chance to spend few more moments with her loved ones.

Finally, few things I want to share:

1) 田牛妈妈 still needs help with getting more medical information such as, most current/effective cancer treatment drugs on the market, clinical trail information, information about reputable cancer treatment centers in Beijing.

2) It would also be very help if you can share your cancer survival/coping/caring experiences with田牛妈妈. Email her directly or post it on her blog would be the best way.

3) As田牛妈妈 needs more time to rest, email would be the preferable way to reach her. She mentioned she will try to answer your emails personally when possible. But sometimes, she is too tired to reply all the emails on time.

4) Fighting cancer is long-term battle, please keep supporting田牛妈妈 with your words of caring, prayer and financial aid.
