最近不用上班,我的时间充裕得很,不停的和朋友见面,吃饭,每天都在赶场一样,倒是正经事还没着落,该update的resume还没完成。轶劝我不用太着急,可以给自己放个假,她今天来东京面试,做了将近4个月的闲散人员的轶,终于找到一份新工作。上一次刚辞工作后,我还挺积极的投入job hunting,因为是第一次,心里没底,这回我是想积极也积极不起来,潜意识的给自己放假,反正这个月的工资仍照发,就当我是带薪休假了。每天睡到自然醒,然后上网看看新闻,回复emails,下午去gym游泳,晚上和朋友吃饭,这样的日子实在太惬意了。
当然,工作还是要找的,辞职后的第二天我就约Kevin见面,他比我还急,替我updated resume,然后就开始给我安排面试。为了今天下午的一个phone interview,Kevin早晨10点就打电话给我,帮我练习interview skills,足足两个小时,I really appreciated his help, but honestly... its kinda torture, lol. 真正的interview不过20分钟,都是基本问题,我在逐渐找回去年“横扫”各公司面试的感觉,嘴皮子通常都是越磨越利落,最后就能达到“天花乱坠,口吐莲花”的意境,LOL.
晚上和Marc吃饭,他找的一家埃及餐厅,东西味道一般,不过中间的belly dance show蛮精彩。那个dancer还拉我和Marc下场一起跳,很是开心。晚饭过后,顺路参观了一下Marc的“豪宅”,他刚搬的家,好地点,很新的公寓,从阳台可以看到东京塔,估计月租价格不菲。Marc去年换工作未成,反倒升了职,估计年薪也水涨船高,今年金融界整体大受打击,Marc不敢再“奢望”跳槽,打算安分守己的在LB再坚持一段时间。不过,我们今天也聊到是否该离开日本的话题,我说我已经待够了,是时候换地方了,他也有同感,不过他喜欢亚洲的大城市,所以可选项不多,HK or Singapore. Marc and I, we always can have good time together, dinner, drinks, good talks about work, music, movies, life... But we would never fall for each other, just never feel that way, well, kinda funny, I guess this way is better for both of us.
德语课上认识的女生,yumiko, somehow she is trying to set me up with her bf's friend, Alex. So last week, we had dinner together, yumiko, alex, alex's friend mario, and me. It was a great night, dinner in ROTI, then a few drinks in A971, interesting conversations. Alex and Mario are both Germans, young, cute, nice, as serious as all Germans supposed to be, but chemistry didnt work out for us, I thought Alex was a little judgemental, and he said I was "a little arrogant", LOL. How could I be arrogant??? Anyway, I learned some very useful german word from Alex, which I would never be able to learn in my german class, -- Arschloch! I like the way it sounds, its interesting to curse in different languages.
Last week after I quitted my job, I sent an email to Tom, just one line to tell him that I quitted the current job. He replied right away, and kinda worried about me, he was in a business trip at Berlin, so we arranged time to have a talk when he came back. Well, things kinda started working out between us. Sunday I had a cup of coffee with yumiko after german class, so back home a little late, and found out that Tom already being online and waiting for me, which made me feel really... secure and comfortable, Tom is the type of man, if he says so, he will do so for sure, I think I can trust him more and more. We talked about my mess, well, I didnt expect him to do anything for me, since its my problem, and I believe that I can deal with it on my own, but I really appreciate that he could be there for me, and listening patiently, thats just so sweet. And for the first time, Tom was able to tell some jokes, which were actually funny and made me laugh, I was surprised, happily. Well, he will come to Japan in September for a business trip, and we plan to spend time together for a weekend, so... will see how things going.
There are still lots of things going on, just cant think of all of them now, plus its almost 4am, even though I dont have to get up early tomorrow(or say today), better hit the sack now.