这位居住在加州帕桑地那的九岁小男孩叫 Marc Yu,据他自己说是在娘肚子里已经有了音乐的天赋,三岁开始弹钢琴,九岁不到已经开始表演。上个月在华盛顿 DC 为四川地震受难者做义演,下个月他将去伦敦跟朗朗同台演出。
在路上听 NPR 广播时,听到 Robert Segel (All Things Considered) 采访他。对话中,显示出特有的成熟和自信。弹了两首曲子,都很棒。但最让我吃惊的是他的对话能力,真的让人难以相信他才九岁。
下面这一段是采访录音以及他演奏 Chopin 的作品 Nocturne in C Minor 的录音 (请点箭头播放):
小8毛 发表评论于
金笔 发表评论于
是需要点 kindness 和能欣赏别人的好,谢谢啊。
chinchin999 发表评论于
I don't understand why the few previous comments sounds a bit hash. He is a very talented child for sure, and so far I think he has been brought up very properly. According to his talk, I can see how much he likes to play piano. As soon as he enjoys it so much he should be given the opportunities. Of course, a gifted child sometimes doesn't have a gifted life, but I believe his parents would know that. I have my best wishes for him. At last, thanks, I like to listen NPR, and I missed this the other day, now I'm glad I didn't really miss it at all.
金笔 发表评论于
I do not know your question, sorry about that.
金笔 发表评论于
Thank you, I enjoyed it very much. But he looks a little older than Marc Yu, althouth it claims that he is only 7. His body size more looks like 13 than 7. But he play really good, admire them!