【甜的甜的】蜂蜜红糖松饼 + 蛋奶浓香的法式煎土司

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最近看奥运,紧张加上熬夜,白天精神不济啊,饭也不想做了。看到中国那么多金牌,真是爽透阿!不忘我每天熬得像熊猫一样。做点饼干当看节目的食粮,呵呵。再加上个以前做的French Toast。





 原料:黄油 135克;黄糖/红糖 140克;全蛋 1颗;

      1 stick+2 tbsp butter; 3/4 cup brown sugar; 1 extra large egg;

      蜂蜜 75克;中筋面粉 300克;肉桂粉少许

      5 tbsp honey; 2 cup all purpose flour; 1 pinch ground cinnamon









 Before making cookie dough, put butter back to room temperature. Then mix with brown sugar evenly. Break an egg down in a bowl, slightly beat it. Mix it into the sugar butter mixture in 2-3 times. Add honey then sift flour and ground cinnamon in. Divide the dough in half and place each half on the parchment paper. Roll each half into a log, 2-inch diameter. Refrigerate the dough for several hours, or till firm. Preheat the oven to 365 degrees. Cut the logs into 1/2-inch-thick slices. Bake for about 10 minutes.









Thick french toast

原料:土司半条;蛋2个;鲜奶油1/2 杯;糖少许

Half sourdough bread; 2 extra large eggs; ½ cup heavy cream


Serve with: honey/syrup; fruit; powdered sugar

 做法:土司切厚片(1.5-2cm/~3/4 inch)备用;







To make French toast, slice bread into ~3/4 inch thick. Add a little water into honey, mix well then put into oven/microwave to keep warm. Break egg into a bowl, beat lightly. Stir in heavy cream and sugar. Put bread slice into the bowl one at a time, let them soak up egg mixture for about 3-5 minutes。Heat pan over medium low heat, spray a little oil, and toast bread to golden on each side. Put bread on plate, dust powdered sugar on the top. Serve with warm honey/syrup and fresh fruit.






 Soft bread will soak up too much egg mixture if treat with 3-5 minute soaking. It would be better cut down to ~30 seconds. Please put bread slice into egg mixture one at a time so that it could be covered evenly.        


