关于 Oil, 兼与WavePlayer探讨

虽然oil supply will probably decline in production, but the demand will be hurt by price as well. If you go to Europe, gas is very expensive there, and many people already reduce their daily traveling by car. I don\'t think the majority of people in the US can affort $4 gas in as many traveling as they did in the past. If the economy is getting worse, the demand will be further hurt. China/India\'s demand will be worse due to high price, if they abandon the subsidized policy.

If you go to airport, the traffic is much less than last year. The waiting line of security check in LAX is much shorter than last year. I would say only half of last year.

Not to mention the election effect or the presidency changes yet. Not matter who will be the next president, it won\'t be Bush/Cheney any more.

By the way, there are tons of room for reducing the gas demand. People in USA are driving Trucks, SUVs, Vans, or pickup etc. Even only one person inside. If gas price stay high, they can slowly change to smaller vehicles.

So, what worriedmom said could be correct, do you see $145/b before election?

In the long run, I agree with you, price will go up. But how long is long, how high is high? That\'s a guesstimate for many people.
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