
Life without dream is no life at all...
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是个认识10多年的老熟人了,他长得完全是美国白人模样,高高的身材,棕色头发眼睛,言谈话语举手投足也不能再美国了。而他的姓却是印度人的姓 Singh。估计母亲那边是欧洲来的。闲话少说,言归正转。

8月9日(礼拜6),他碰上了我,上来就问:“你看开幕式了吗?”然后一改 mild mannerism, 滔滔不绝地说:“That was amazing, just amazing. It took our breath away. Everything was over the top in a good way, unbelievably creative and impressive. That ceremony alone has changed people's view of China in a big way. Instead of this backward images from the past, China is looked upon as an equal partner or competitor."



longtermInvestor 发表评论于
business is business, equal partner or not, it is not based on what appears on the surface. It is just a wonderful show.
风行水上 发表评论于