由AVATAR想起的---Chief Logan’s Lament

一两盏乌龙,三五个老友, 四下里闲坐,懒问他六根清静没有, 七嘴八舌畅谈, 快乐时光阴似箭, 但愿人长久.
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这是一篇很小的演说。但是在美国历史的所有读本上,你不可忽视这篇演说。因为它记录了这个国家的起源,不可否认的事实。自由,民主, 富强,光荣与梦想并不是这个国家彻头彻尾的全部。庆幸现代美国价值的奠基者不曾掩盖他们父辈的所为, 而且让我们知道, 让我们记得永远不要再对任何族群犯下相同的错误。

Logan's Lament.

I appeal to any white man to say if he ever entered Logan's cabin hungry, and he gave him not meat; if he ever came cold and naked and he clothed him not. During the course of the last long and bloody war, Logan remained idle in his cabin, an advocate for peace. 

Such was my love for the whites, that my countrymen pointed as I passed, and said, "Logan is a friend of the white man." I have even thought to live with you but for the injuries of one man, Colonel Cresap, who last spring in cold blood and unprovoked murdered the relatives of Logan, not even sparing his wife and children.

There runs not a drop of my blood in the veins of any living creature. This has called on me for revenge. I have sought it; I have killed many; I have fully glutted my vengeance. For my country, I rejoice in the beams of peace.

But do not harbor a thought that mine is the joy of fear. Logan never felt fear. He will not turn on his heel to save his life. Who is there to mourn for Logan? Not one.
