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13·1 子路问政。子曰:“先之劳之(1)。”请益(2)。曰:“无倦(3)。”











Ztu Lu asked the way to manage government affairs. Confucius said: “Go ahead of your men and encourage others to be diligent." Ztu Lu asked his master to say more. Confucius said: “Don’t be slacking.”



13·2 仲弓为季氏宰(1),问政。子曰:“先有司(2),赦小过,举贤才。”曰:“焉知贤才而举之?”曰:“举尔所知。尔所不知,人其舍诸?”










As a manager of Ji, Zhong Gong asked how to manage government affairs. Confucius said: “Let each subordinate of yours take charge of his own job, bear with miner faults and promote talents.” Zhong Gong asked: “How to know who is a real talent?” Confucius said: “Promote whoever you know. As to the talents you don’t know, surely it doesn’t mean that they will be stifled.”



13·3 子路曰:“卫君(1)待子为政,子将奚(2)先?”子曰:“必也正名(3)乎!”子路曰:“有是哉,子之迂(4)也!奚其正?”子曰:“野哉,由也!君子于其所不知,盖阙(5)如也。名不正则言不顺,言不顺则事不成,事不成则礼乐(6)不兴,礼乐不兴则刑罚不中(7),刑罚不中,则民无所措手足。故君子名之必可言也,言之必可行也。君子于其言,无所苟(8)而已矣。”
















Ztu Lu aske Confucius: “If the lord of the country Wei is waiting for you to help him manage political affairs, what will you set about?” Confucius said: “I’ll make everything fully justified first.” Ztu Lu said: “Is it? I think you’re a bit too pedantic. What’s the use to make things full justified first?” Confucius said: “But your idea is rather superficial. General speaking, as for what they don’t understand, gentlemen usually reserve their views. If you don’t make things fully justified first, what you say will be unreasonable. If so, you’ll accomplish nothing. If so, you’ll be unable to make laws take root in the heart of the people. If so, penalty will be unfair. And if so, the people won’t know what to do. So, whatever they do, gentlemen must make them reasonable. And whatever they say, they make them workable. When speaking, gentlemen mustn’t be careless.”




13·4 樊迟请学稼。子曰:“吾不如老农。”请学为圃(1)。曰:“吾不如老圃。”樊迟出。子曰:“小人(2)哉,樊须也!上(3)好礼,则民莫敢不敬,上好义,则民莫敢不服;上好信,则民莫敢不用情(4)。夫如是,则四方之民襁(5)负其子而至矣,焉用稼?”













Fan Chi asked Confucius how to grow crops. Confucius said: “I’m not so good as farmers.” Fan Chi asked how to grown vegetable. Confucius said: “I’m inferior to gardeners.” Fan Chi left and Confucius said: “Fan Chi is really as short-sighted as mice. So long as the leaders observe law and discipline, the people won’t dare not to stand in awe of them. So long as the leaders stand for justice, the people won’t dare not to follow you. So long as the leaders pay much attention to honesty, people won’t dare not to treat you wholeheartedly. If so, the people will come to you from far and near supporting the old and carrying the young. What’s the need for them to till land?”




13·5 子曰:“诵诗三百,授之以政,不达(1);使于四方,不能专对(2)。虽多,亦奚以(3)为?”











Confucius said: “If someone is asked to manage government affairs but he cannot do it, if he is asked to deal with social activity but he cannot accomplish the task alone, then what’s the use even if he can skillfully recite the 300 poems of The Book of Odes?”




13·6 子曰:“其身正,不令而行;其身不正,虽令不从。”






Confucius said: “So long as the leaders behave well, the people will follow you even if no orders are issued.

Otherwise, the people won’t follow you even if orders are given.”



13·7 子曰:“鲁卫之政,兄弟也。”









Confucius said: “The government affairs between the two states of Lu and Wei are just like that between brothers.”




13·8 子谓卫公子荆(1):“善居室(2)。始有,曰:‘苟(3)(4)矣’。少有,曰:‘苟完矣。’富有,曰:‘苟美矣。’”












Talking about Jing, prince of the country Wei, Confucius said: “He’s good at managing family money matters. When there is a little bit of money at the beginning, he would say: ‘That’s enough.’  When there is a little bit more, he would say: ‘There is more money.’ When there is much money, he would say: ‘It’s nearly perfect.’”



13·9 子适卫,冉有仆(1)。子曰:“庶矣哉!”冉有曰:“既庶(2)矣,又何加焉?”曰:“富之。”曰:“既富矣,又何加焉?”曰:“教之。”










Confucius went to the country Wei. Ran you drove the cart for him. Confucius said: “There are so many people!” Ran You said: “This country has enough people. What else has to be done?” Confucius said: “Make them rich.” Ran You said: “What else has to be done after getting rich?” Confucius said: “Make them educated.”




13·10 子曰:“苟有用我者,期月(1)而已可也,三年有成。”









Confucius said: “If someone starts using me, initial success will be won and a marked effect will be won.”



13·11 子曰:“善人为邦百年,亦可以胜残去杀矣。诚哉是言也!”






Confucius said: “If a country is administered by capable men, it’ll spend a hundred years to surmount brutality and avoid killing. What wonderful remarks!”



13·12 子曰:“如有王者,必世(1)而后仁。”









Confucius said: “Thirty years are needed to realize administration by policy of benevolence even if a king turns up.”



13·13 子曰:“苟正其身矣,于从政乎何有?不能正其身,如正人何?”






Confucius said: “What sorts of difficulties will crop up if you behave well? How can you ask others to behave well if you cannot set right your behavior?”



13·14 冉子退朝。子曰:“何晏也?”对曰:“有政。”子曰:“其事也?如有政,虽不吾以,吾其与闻之。”






Ran Ztu came back from the court. Confucius said: “Why are you so late?” Ran Qiu said: “We had government affairs to manage.” Confucius said: “I think they must be personal affairs. If they are government affairs, I’ll know even if the lord has no longer assigned me to any posts.”




13·15 定公问:“一言而可以兴邦,有诸?”孔子对曰:“言不可以若是其几(1)也。人之言曰:‘为君难,为臣不易。’如知为君之难也,不几乎一言而兴邦乎?”曰:“一言而丧邦,有诸?”孔子对曰:“言不可以若是其几也。人之言曰:‘予无乐乎为君,唯其言而莫予违也。’如其善而莫之违也,不亦善乎?如不善而莫之违也,不几乎一言而丧邦乎?”









Mr. Ding, the lord of the country Lu, asked: “Only one single word can make a country flourishing. Are there any words like this?” Confucius said: “Although we cannot say this way, yet there are similar words. People say: ‘It’s hard to be a lord and it’s not easy to be a courtier.’ If the lord knows the difficulty to be a lord, isn’t it similar to the words - Only one single word can make a country flourishing?” Mr. Ding said: “Only one single word can make a country destroyed. Are there any words like this?” Confucius said: “Although we cannot say this way, yet there are similar words. Some lords say: ‘My pleasure doesn’t lie in being a lord but lie in that no one dare disobey my words.’ If their words are correct, it’s not so bad. Yet, if their words are wrong but no one dare resist, isn’t similar to the words - Only one single word can make a country destroyed?”




13·16 叶公问政。子曰:“近者悦,远者来。”






Mr. Ye asked how to manage government affairs. Confucius said: “Make the people nearby happy and make the people far away come and give allegiance to you.”




13·17 子夏为莒父(1)宰,问政。子曰:“无欲速,无见小利。欲速则不达,见小利则大事不成。”









As a manager in Ju Fu, Ztu Xia asked how to manage government affairs. Confucius said: “Do not pursue speed only; do not seek small gains. If you pursue speed only, usually you cannot attain your objective. If you seek small gains, then you cannot do great things.”





13·18 叶公语孔子曰:“吾党(1)有直躬者(2),其父攘 (3) 羊,而子证(4)之。”孔子曰:“吾党之直者异于是:父为子隐,子为父隐,直在其中矣。”












Mr. Ye said to Confucius: “There is an honest man in my hometown. His father stole a goat and he informed against his father.” Confucius said: “The honest men in my hometown are different to the ones in your hometown. Fathers conceal sons’ mistakes and vice versa. The secrets of honesty are right here.”



13·19 樊迟问仁。子曰:“居处恭,执事敬,与人忠。虽之夷狄,不可弃也。”






Fan Chi asked about humanity. Confucius said: “Behave yourself properly at home and outside do things carefully and treat people honestly. You mustn’t abandon these principles even you go abroad.”




13·20 子贡问曰:“何如斯可谓之士矣?”子曰:“行已有耻,使于四方,不辱君命,可谓士矣。”曰:“敢问其次。”曰:“宗族称孝焉,乡党称弟焉。” 曰“敢问其次。”曰:“言必信,行必果(1),硁硁(4)然小人哉!抑亦可以为次矣。”曰:“今之从政者何如?”子曰:“噫!斗筲之人(3),何足算也?”











Ztu Gong asked: “How can I be a man of integrity?” Confucius said: “You should have a sense of shame  when you do something. You should accomplish your mission when you go abroad for state visit. By doing this way, you can be a man of integrity.” Ztu Gong asked: “How about a man of second rank?” Confucius said: “Clansmen praise him for his filial devotion to his parents and respect for his teachers.” Ztu Gong asked: “How about the next rank?” Confucius said: “Put words into deeds. Stubbornly hold to one’s own opinion without asking right or wrong. They are naturally narrow-minded vulgarians. If they can be considered men of integrity, naturally they should be the last rank.” Zut Gong asked: “How about today’s officials? Confucius said: “Oh, these narrow-minded persons! How can they be considered men of integrity?”



13·21 子曰:“不得中行(1)而与之,必也狂狷(2)乎!狂者进取,狷者有所不为也。”










Confucius said: “I cannot find and associate with persons who worship the doctrine of the mean. Therefore I have to associate with frantic persons and cowards. Frantic person dare to do, but cowards often shrink back. There are something they don’t want to do.”



13·22 子曰:“南人有言曰:‘人而无恒,不可以作巫医(1)。’善夫!‘不恒 其德,或承之羞。’”(2)子曰:“不占(3)而已矣。”











Confucius said: “The southerners have a common saying: ‘Without being perseverant, no one can be a witch doctor.’ What a wonderful remark! But there’s a saying in Yi Books: ‘Unable to keep standards of virtue, one will be subjected to humiliation.’ These words tell us that without being perseverant, one is doomed to get nowhere. It’s no use even if he resorts to fortune-telling.”




13·23 子曰:“君子和(1)而不同(2),小人同而不和。”










Confucius said: “Gentlemen live in harmony with others but don’t wallow in the mire with others. Yet vulgarians do exactly the opposite.”


13·24 子贡问曰:“乡人皆好之,何如?”子曰:“未可也。”“乡人皆恶之,何如?”子曰:“未可也。不如乡人之善者好之,其不善者恶之。”






Ztu Gong asked: “As for a person, if all people in the town love him, how about him?” Confucius said: “It’s hard to say.” Ztu Gong asked: “As far as a person is concerned, if all people in the town detest him, how about him?” Confucius said: “It’s hard to say. I think the best person is a one who is loved by all good people in the town and detested by all bad people in the town.”




13·25 子曰:“君子易事(1)而难说(2)也。说之不以道,不说也;及其使人也,器之(3)。小人难事而易说也。说之虽不以道,说也;及其使人也,求备焉。”











Confucius said: “It’s easy to manage affairs for gentlemen, but it’s hard to make them happy. If you want to make them happy in crooked ways, they cannot be happy. But they employ persons according to their ability. It’s hard to manage affairs for vulgarians, but it’s easy to make them happy. If you want to make them happy in crooked way, they can be happy. But when they employ persons, they demand perfection.”




13·26 子曰:“君子泰而不骄,小人骄而不泰。”






Confucius said: “Gentlemen are calm but not arrogant, yet vulgarians are arrogant but not calm.”




13·27 子曰:“刚、毅、木、讷(1)近仁。”



(1) 讷:说话简洁。







Confucius said: “Resolution, braveness, honesty and taciturnity. These four fine qualities are near humanity.”



13·28 子路问曰:“何如斯可谓之士矣?”子曰:“切切偲偲(1),怡怡(2)如也,可谓士矣。朋友切切偲偲,兄弟怡怡。










Ztu Lu asked: “How to become a man of integrity?” Confucius said: “Honestly encourage others and live in amity with others. This sort of persons can be considered men of integrity.”




13·29 子曰:“善人(1)教民七年,亦可以即戎(2)矣。”






(1) 善人:好人。这里指善于做某事的人。即“能人”。

(2)  戎:军事,军队。即戎,从军。



Confucius said: “So long as people are trained by a capable man, it only spends seven years that they can join the army.”




13·30 子曰:“以不教民战,是谓弃之。”






Confucius said: “Not to train people to fight means to abandon them.”
