

【音乐随笔,原创欣然】 [音乐分享]一首久违的歌-----Sailing

【音乐·随笔,原创】 欣然:

英译 一语

当找到这一首歌时,忽然想起long long ago,我曾经很欣赏西洋怀旧歌曲。大学时代,我曾经收藏过相关的西洋怀旧歌曲。原来,我的骨子里,根本就是喜欢这类歌曲,只是被曾经的激荡所蒙蔽了,没有深深地研究西洋歌曲。就这样,在那一瞬间,觉得自己有一种释放的情绪。

远航Rod Stewar的感动情歌. ... Rod Stewar这首经典的老歌《Sailing》让我们对人生又有了一次深刻的体会:其实人生不就是一次Sailing,途中也许荆棘满布,充满艰辛,但只要你坚持下去,一定可以胜利到达彼岸。 有一种美丽,就是能够飞越空间。 有一种期待,就是追逐梦中的境地。 有一种希望,就是与家人一起成长。 有一种爱,就是平淡平凡细水长流。

I am sailing, I am flying, because I know you always love me for fever. When this song was picked, time seemed flashed back to those 'old, old days' when I had been in so deep love with the good old music, western; It's was my school days, the collection is sealed with 'old sweet memories". So, It's in my blood, it comes from deep inside, love, or only excited moment, echoes in the air with the music, so foreign it seems and easily absorbed in, left learning like a thing no need to do. Thus, in the seconds, i was embraced into an happiest emotion unnamed.

The song, sang by Rod Stewar, is a love song of romance. This song offers us a deep understanding of the life, which sails, no one can tell the winds and waves it might encounter, but only those who don't stop, can see the line of the land and be ashore. A beauty exists beyond time and space, A longing when dreams come true. A hope that grew only with the dearest with same blood, A love, as river we see everyday, that flows in peace, and not showy, at least.

【音乐·随笔,原创】 欣然

[音乐分享]一首久违的歌-----Sailing - 歌词:

小战士一语, 有感, 英译:

I am sailing, I am sailing
Home again, cross the sea
I am sailing, stormy waters
To be near you, to be free

I am flying, I am flying
Like a bird, cross the sky
I am flying, passing high clouds
To be near you, to be free
Can you hear me, can you hear me

Through the dark night, far away
I am dying, forever crying
To be with you, who can say

We are sailing, we are sailing

Home again, cross the sea
We are sailing, stormy waters
To be near you, to be free
Oh my lord, to be near you, to be free
Oh my lord I am sailing, I am sailing

Home again, cross the sea
I am sailing, stormy waters
To be near you, to be free
I am flying, I am flying Like a bird, cross the sky

I am flying, passing high clouds
To be near you, to be free
Can you hear me, can you hear me
Through the dark night, far away
I am dying, forever crying

To be with you, who can say

远航,我是远航的水手, 告别家乡,我将在远方追波逐流 远航,远方的水面波涛汹涌

我想飞,我在飞, 如海鸟,如云朵 让我飞,飞过高高的云,让我飞,飞过蓝蓝的天

为了靠近你,那是真的自由, 我对空气对话,我对浪涛呼喊 穿过漆黑的夜晚,漆黑的海

心在悲伤,就像远不可及的岸 无言的希望,就是你的笑脸

We are sailing, we are sailing Home again, cross the sea
We are sailing, stormy waters To be near you, to be free
Oh my lord, to be near you, to be free Oh my lord

让我们远航,我们在远航 踏过千里波涛,家乡就在彼岸

自由就在眼前,还有你可爱的笑脸 我的上帝,O,
靠近你,就是自由的彼岸, O, 我的上帝,啊!
有一种美丽,就是能够飞越空间。 有一种期待,就是追逐梦中的境地。


I am sailing, I am flying, because I know you always love, me for fever.
