然后他敲着杯子开始起头,送战友,踏征程。其它人也跟着一起唱起来,默默无语两眼泪,耳边响起驼铃声。她听着听着,想起那次他们看到 fortune cookies 里的预言时,李毅为了化解她的尴尬,说他们最适合做同一个战壕里的战友,真有一种恍如隔世的感觉。当听到他们唱到当心夜半北风寒,一路多保重的时候,她简直是心如刀绞。
I can understand LiYi wanted to take care of Xinyu because he treated her like his sister but I don't understand why he stayed with her all the time and just"ingnore "Yishuang . It is not fair to Yishuang .
When yishuang decided to go back China.It looks like they won't see each other forever although they both said they will wait for each other till Xinyu is fine.
You said you want to show the " true love" in your novel. But if LiYi lose Yishuang from now the "true love is too short". It can happen in everybody's life.
I hope Yishuang will be fine and li Yi will realize he will lose her if he doesn't change the way to help Xinyu.
Can't wait for the next one and hope it won't end so soon.
xiaowaiwai 发表评论于
Only haoran deserves ys's love!
Soulseaching 发表评论于
great plot! Yi Li might realize now if he doesn't cheris 漪霜, he will loose her forever. He might wake up from his so-called obligation. I think Yi Li is selfish, he felt noble to take care his ex-wife who betrayed him. Can't wait for 46.
we will see. 青梅 has finished the writing in June, so, no matter what we guess here, it's already DONE. 青梅, if the next one is the last chapter, would you please paste it here sooner? Of course, if you have planned more stories about them, feel free to wave it out at your own pace.