“总理” 他瞥了一眼电视屏幕。我有点惊讶,当时陆克文刚当政不到两月。
“他做报告” 回答精确简练,出乎意料。
“你喜不喜欢他呀” 我的兴致更高了。
“喜欢呀,他很酷” 。
“为什么” 。
“他的眼镜很漂亮,和你的一样” 我被拍的暖呼呼。
“他是不是管所有事情的大老板呀” 他边研究新买的乐高火星任务的组装手册边补充道。
“他不是老板” 我认定进行民主教育的机会来了。
“你,我和妈妈才是老板” 。” 我们认为他是好孩子,所以选他当总理。你记不记得我们去你们学校投票,那天你还得了一个紫色的气球? 如果他以后表现不好,我们就让他下台,也就是说把他的所有玩具都收起来” 。我试着把这严肃的问题儿童化。
“等你长大了你就是了” 我鼓励道。也许当陆克文式的公仆也是个不坏的选择?
“我长大以后要买到所有的乐高火星任务玩具,并且谁也不能从我手上拿走。。。” 他深沉地说。
这不是专制吗? 看来民主教育之路还漫长的很哪。
Democracy vs. Dictatorship
Sean Li is five and started school this year. He uses to join our conversations whilst plays with his toys. I am very impressed by this competency.
One evening, the TV was showing that Mr. Kevin Rudd, the Prime Minister of Australia, discussed his policies in the Parliament. I suddenly wanted to find out what kind things about politics Sean learned from the school. Did they tell him to love the government and the Parties, as I was taught before?
“Sean, do you know this guy?
“The Prime Minister” He glanced the screen. I was a little bit surprised as Kevin just took the office for 2 months.
“What does he do?”
“He talks” Simple but accurate description.
“Do you like him?” My expectation was increased.
“Yah, he is cool.”
“He wears good glasses. Like you” I was flattered.
“Is he the boss of everything?” He added without leaving his eyes on the manual of the new Lego Mars Missions, which costed him 9 weeks pocket money.
“No.” I decided that it was time to reinforce his education on democracy.
“We are the boss, you, mum and me”.
“We choose him because he is a good boy. Do you remember that we went to your school hall to cast the vote? You got a purple balloon? If he behaved badly late on, he will be sacked, which means all the toys he has would be taken way.” I tried to make things easy.
“I know, one must eat quickly, tidy up his toys after playing…all the time.”
“But I am not the boss, dad. You and mum are. My toys were taken away sometimes.” He concluded sadly.
“You will be a boss when you grow up” I encouraged him. Maybe a public servant as Kevin Rudd is not a bad alternative?
“When I grow up, I will have all the Lego Mars Mission toys and allow no body to take them away.” He said thoughtfully and determinately…
Does he mean Dictatorship?! Now I understand what a hard job to achieve a true Democracy.