Business casual 要倾向于Business,而不是casual

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人人都知道,美国公司的穿衣原则(dress code)Business CasualHowever,什么是Business Casual?你能说的清吗?它和Business formal 有什么区别?又和casual有什么区别?我Google了一个simple解释。


From a man's point of view:

Casual is everyday wear.
Business casual is slacks and polo shirt or full button without tie.
Semi-formal is a nice suit.
Formal is a tux.

From a woman's point of view:

Casual is everyday wear.
Business casual is slacks/skirt and polo shirt or/blouse or an appropriate dress.
Semi-formal is a nice dress or suit.
Formal is an evening gown.  


实际上,Business Casual就是 allows employee to wear a more relaxed, yet still professional clothes. 据我观察,我们中国人,特别是女性朋友,上班穿着上过于倾向Relaxed 有余,而Professional不足。上班时间越长的,衣着越随便。




我的理解是,任何能增加你的professional image的衣服,加分,多穿;衣服总体上要略倾向于formal。这和“ 理多人不怪”的道理相似。我所在的日本公司有许多Japanese Expat,无论男女,都是shirt, pant everyday。颜色都是素净的“办公室色”,但质地优良,做工上乘。比如,我老板所有的shirt 的袖口上都秀着他的Initial,全部在日本定做的,非常合身。我和他学了一招-办公室里永远放一件西装,以备急需。


这里要提一下的是,即使FridayCasual Day,也只是说,你可以穿JeansT-shirt,但式样还是要保守。太前卫的,有洞的,叮叮挂挂的,旧不拉几的,都不行。有一个周五,我看见我的朋友新穿了一条带Pink的运动裤。这显然是对Friday Casual 的误解。


Office不是一个show Fashion的地方,但是绝不能out-of-fashionFashion能体现你professional形象中积极,有朝气的一面。谁喜欢用一个落伍的人呢?我喜欢用一些小细节加在Business Casual上,如丝巾,别针,或简单的首饰来体现in fashion


别小看了办公室穿衣,花哨艳丽,俗里俗气,或皱皱巴巴,不休边幅,都会在潜移默化中damage你的professional career。你的professional image is a whole package,冰山不是一天堆成的,印象也不是一天形成的,你说呢?





Jeans, sweatpants, exercise pants, Bermuda shorts, short shorts, shorts, bib overalls, leggings, and any spandex or other form-fitting pants such as people wear for biking.


Flashy athletic shoes, thongs, flip-flops, slippers


Tank tops; midriff tops; shirts with potentially offensive words, terms, logos, pictures, cartoons, or slogans; halter-tops; tops with bare shoulders; sweatshirts, and t-shirts unless worn under another blouse, shirt, jacket, or dress.



Flashy athletic shoes, thongs, flip-flops, slippers and hats
