Sorry, the glorious and advanced development of US society didn't teach you enough to know that you cannot speak for "Majority of Chinese". Maybe it is in your part of USA that it is a virtue for intentional false representation.
回首生 发表评论于
The taste of pudding is in the eating. It doesn't matter what Dalai has promised. It mattered what games he has played and is playing. We may not know the details, but there is no doubt that Chinese government has been bitten multiple times by Dalai's flip-flopping. It is forgivabe for you to be naive, but it is not to be retarded to ask others for the same.
liberalchinese 发表评论于
Do Americans deserve to have America?
This is a very good question.
USA, despite a democracy, has a savage history dotted with wars, slavery, discrimination and segregation. But it learned, repented, and changed for the better make it what it is today.
It is just about 50 years ago when people of color ( black, hispanic and asian included) will have to give up seat to whites on bus or be thrown to jail. White superemist killed blacks and got away in court with all white jury. Black fight back in ways both violently and non-violently. White, at least the mainstream, repented their previous injustice to black people and corrected in many ways through a very long process. In the end, the society benefited and united.
If white just use the violent wing of civil movement as excuses to refuse to change, if say something like without us, you black will be in African jungles...you are so better off with us.. I can't image what USA will look like now. However, majority of chinese are doing these things to 藏族人.
达赖喇嘛 is similar to 國民黨 whereas 西藏青年大会 is similar to 民進黨. If we refuses the vioce of reconciliation of 达赖喇嘛, we will pay a huge price for this! History is repeating itself. However, we learn lesson from taiwan but we are making mistakes in Tibert. 反对西藏独立的人士, you think you can win the heart and mind by 汉民族主义、国家主义、共产主义?
liberalchinese 发表评论于
Only when we love 藏族人 and respect 藏族人 as we love ourselves, we deserve to have Tibert.