其实,大形式是最重要,如果一个部门长期停滞不前,成为企业的鸡肋,我以为就要动一动了,坐在那里等着,当然会有LAY OFF PACKAGE,但如果不想等那个,就要另找个部门或公司。不要怕挑战,中国人能力很强,只要用心,没有拿不下的工作。并且,在一个公司有几年经验后,跳槽可以期望至少10%的工资上浮。
因为这是最容易有证据的。N年前就职的公司,两个部门合并,被推上管理层,真是勉为其难。不到一个月,公司一个产品失败,经济缩减,管理手头没有了请员工吃饭的权利,但没有任何迹象表明有可能裁员。一日,HR通知我,一位美国女人长期迟到早退,并且有BADGE IN/OUT 记录。铁证如山,我不得不做恶人,传达HR意愿,那是第一次亲自WALK A PERSON OUT.其实都不大认识她,部门30多人,她CUBE 在我楼上。同情也没办法,其他人问起,我不能解释。只说: THAT’S MY JOB TO PROTECT OUR COMPANY.也就是说,公司MONITOR你,辞退时不写在书面,除非被解雇的法律告公司,公司才有必要出示证据。
After a while you learn the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul and you learn that love doesn't mean leaning and company doesn't always mean security. And you begin to learn that kisses aren't contracts and presents aren't promises and you begin to accept your defeats with your head up and your eyes ahead with the grace of woman, not the grief of a child and you learn to build all your roads on today because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans and futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight. After a while you learn that even sunshine burns if you get too much so you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers. And you learn that you really can endure you really are strong you really do have worth and you learn and you learn with every goodbye, you learn...
I wrote the following article from different view point before. Maybe helpful.
谁说非得注册 发表评论于
小公司也许只有 BADGE in 没有BADGE OUT。很多中大公司都有BOTH。
want_try 发表评论于
上班少上网,......一位是我朋友的中国青年人,每月上网点击达到全公司TOP 0.1% --- E-trading in office is certainly not right; But, surfing internet could be do research? or weather, traffic, etc. What do you think?
mister986 发表评论于
want_try 发表评论于
BADGE IN/OUT 记录 -- We know the badge in; But I am wondering how to have badge out in most offices/companies.
want_try 发表评论于
别不跟老板套近乎。--- that's right. However, my boss is a woman and younger than me. Do someting? or do nothing? (It is she hired me.)
dune3000 发表评论于
我更喜欢finacial freedom以后,等着第一个被LAY OFF,呵呵。This is only a job unless you love it.
Disagree partially - as I know, many chinese got layoff while the "White" stay during economy downtime. It happens everywhere in USA, especially mid-to-large company.....